等可能引入恶意内容或恶意改变显示布局的代码,如果不需要插入flash等,还可以加入的过滤 "/<(\/?)(script|i?frame|style|html|body|title|link|meta|\?|\%)([^>]*?)>/isU", "/(<[^>]*)on[a-zA-Z]+\s*=([^>]*>)/isU",//过滤javascript的on事件 ); $tarr = array( " ", "<\1\2\3>",//如果要直接清除不安全的标签,这里可以留空 "\1\2", ); $str = preg_replace($farr, $tarr, $str); return $str; } // 根据id获取菜式投票的详情 function get_dish_vote_date_info($db, $vote_date_id){ return $db->get_one("select a.*, b.name meal_type_name , c.name dining_hall_name from tb_dish_vote_date a left join tb_meal_type b on a.dc_type=b.id left join tb_dining_hall c on a.dining_hall_id=c.id where a.id='{$vote_date_id}' and a.status='1'"); } function dc_type_info($dc_type){ return $db->get_one("select * from tb_meal_type where id='{$dc_type}' and status='1'"); } function dish_vote_foot_type($db, $dining_hall_id,$dc_type = ''){ $where = ""; if($dc_type){ $where = " and a.meal_type_id='{$dc_type}' "; } return $db->get_all("select a.*, b.name meal_type_name from tb_dish_vote_foot_type a left join tb_meal_type b on a.meal_type_id=b.id where a.dining_hall_id='{$dining_hall_id}' {$where} and b.status='1' order by b.idx desc,a.id asc"); } function vote_dish_list_day($db, $date, $dc_type, $dining_hall_id, $generate_dish_ids){ $where = ''; if($generate_dish_ids){ $where .= " and a.dish_id not in ({$generate_dish_ids}) "; } return $db->get_all("select * from ( select a.*, b.dish_name, b.dish_price, c.type_name, count(a.id) dish_vote_num from tb_dish_vote_user a left join tb_dish b on a.dish_id=b.id left join tb_dish_type c on b.dish_type=c.id where a.status='2' and a.dining_hall_id='{$dining_hall_id}' and a.dc_type='{$dc_type}' and a.date='{$date}' {$where} group by a.dish_id) a order by a.dish_vote_num desc "); } // 生成菜谱 function add_date_dish($db, $vote_date_id, $current_date, $dc_type){ // 根据id获取菜式投票的详情 $vote_date_info = get_dish_vote_date_info($db, $vote_date_id); // 判断这个日期是否已经存在菜谱 $check_date = $db->get_one("select * from tb_date where dc_date='{$current_date}' and dc_type='{$dc_type}'"); if($check_date){ return array( 'status' => -1, 'msg' => "【{$current_date}】该日期已存在菜谱。" ); } // 获取已经生成的菜谱,以及获取已选取的菜品 $dish_ids = array(); for ($i=strtotime($vote_date_info['start_day']); $i<=strtotime($vote_date_info['end_day']); $i+=86400) { $date_info = $db->get_one("select a.*, GROUP_CONCAT(b.dish_id) dish_ids from tb_date a left join tb_date_dish b on a.id=b.date_id where a.dc_date='".date('Y-m-d')."' and a.dc_type='{$vote_date_info['dc_type']}' and a.dining_hall_id='{$vote_date_info['dining_hall_id']}' GROUP BY a.id "); if(empty($date_info['dish_ids'])){ continue; } $dish_ids = array_merge($dish_ids, explode(",",$date_info['dish_ids'])); } // 已经生成菜谱的菜品id // $data_dish_list_arr = $dish_ids; // 获取荤素规则 $dish_vote_foot_type = dish_vote_foot_type($db, $vote_date_info['dining_hall_id'],$vote_date_info['dc_type']); // tb_dish_vote_foot_type 根据该表 获取当天票数最多的菜式(荤,素) $vote_dish_list = vote_dish_list_day($db, $current_date, $vote_date_info['dc_type'], $vote_date_info['dining_hall_id'], implode(",", $dish_ids)); // 记录每个规则的选中菜式的个人,方便判断all_book_limit $good_type_max_vote = array(); $dish_arr = array(); foreach ($vote_dish_list as $k => $v){ // 循环foot_type foreach ($dish_vote_foot_type as $foot_type_key => $foot_type_val){ // 排除不需要的规则 if($v['dc_type'] != $foot_type_val['meal_type_id']){ continue; } $dish_type_id_arr = explode(",",substr($foot_type_val['dish_type_id'],1,strlen($foot_type_val['dish_type_id'])-2)); // 判断菜式类型是否存在foot_type里 if(in_array($v['dish_type'], $dish_type_id_arr)){ // 判断在这个周期里,是否已经被安排过菜谱 if(!in_array($v['dish_id'], $dish_arr)){ // 超出类型可以max_vote的范围 $good_type_max_vote_num = count($good_type_max_vote) != 0 && isset($good_type_max_vote[$foot_type_val['id']]) ? $good_type_max_vote[$foot_type_val['id']] : 0; if($foot_type_val['max_vote'] != 0 && $good_type_max_vote_num >= $foot_type_val['max_vote']){ continue; } $good_type_max_vote[$foot_type_val['id']] = $good_type_max_vote_num + 1; $dish_arr[] = array( 'dish_id' => $v['dish_id'], 'type' => $v['type_name'], 'name' => $v['dish_name'], 'price' => $v['dish_price'], 'num' => 0 ); break; } } } } if(empty($dish_arr)){ // 生成成功1次都改变状态,添加成功,更新is_create_dishes状态 $db->query("update tb_dish_vote_date set is_create_dishes='1' where id='{$vote_date_id}'"); // 如果没有投票,则不生成菜谱 return array( 'status' => 0, 'msg' => "{$vote_date_info['dining_hall_name']}饭堂 ".date('Y年m月d日', strtotime($current_date)).",{$vote_date_info['meal_type_name']} 没有生产;" // 'msg' => "【{$vote_date_info['start_day']} ~ {$vote_date_info['end_day']}】({$vote_date_info['meal_type_name']}){$current_date},这天没有足够的投票菜品信息,不能生成菜谱,请手动添加对应菜谱。" ); } // $dish_arr 获取 $current_date 对应投票最多且排除以生成菜谱的 菜品列表 // 生成 $current_date 这天的菜谱 // $date_data = array( // 'dc_date' => $current_date, // 'dc_type' => $vote_date_info['dc_type'], // 'is_free' => 0, // 'dining_hall_id' => $vote_date_info['dining_hall_id'] // ); $db->query("insert into tb_date set dc_date='{$current_date}', dc_type='{$vote_date_info['dc_type']}', is_free='0', dining_hall_id='{$vote_date_info['dining_hall_id']}'"); $date_id = $db->insert_id(); if(!$date_id){ return array( 'status' => 0, 'msg' => "{$vote_date_info['dining_hall_name']}饭堂 ".date('Y年m月d日', strtotime($current_date)).",{$vote_date_info['meal_type_name']} 没有生产(生成菜谱失败);" ); } $dish_str = ''; foreach ($dish_arr as $k => $v){ $dish_str .= ", {$v['name']}"; $date_dish_data = array( 'date_id' => $date_id, 'dish_id' => $v['dish_id'], 'max_num' => 2, 'is_normal_dish' => 1, 'total_max_num' => 0, 'book_num' => 0, 'idx' => 0, 'book_type' => 1, ); $date_dish_sql = ""; foreach($date_dish_data as $k2 => $v2){ $date_dish_sql .= ",{$k2}='{$v2}'"; } $date_dish_sql = substr($date_dish_sql, 1, strlen($date_dish_sql) - 1); $db->query("insert into tb_date_dish set {$date_dish_sql}"); $date_dish_id = $db->insert_id(); if(!$date_dish_id){ // 生成失败,删除tb_date_dish 和 tb_date $db->query("delete from tb_date_dish where date_id='{$date_id}'"); $db->query("delete from tb_date where id='{$date_id}'"); return array( 'status' => 0, 'msg' => "{$vote_date_info['dining_hall_name']} ".date('Y年m月d日', strtotime($current_date))."-{$vote_date_info['meal_type_name']} 没有生产(生成菜谱存在错误);" ); } } // 生成成功1次都改变状态,添加成功,更新is_create_dishes状态 $db->query("update tb_dish_vote_date set is_create_dishes='1' where id='{$vote_date_id}'"); // 的订餐数据:".count($suc_type_val)." 份; $dish_str = substr($dish_str, 1, strlen($dish_str) - 1); return array( 'status' => 1, 'msg' => "{$vote_date_info['dining_hall_name']},".date('Y年m月d日', strtotime($current_date)) . $vote_date_info['meal_type_name'] . "的订餐数据:". $dish_str . ",共 ".count($dish_arr)." 份。", 'date_id' => $date_id, 'dish_arr' => $dish_arr, ); // $get_dish = $this->db->query(""); } if(isset($argv)){ $act = check_form($argv[1]); $dining_hall_id = check_form($argv[2]); // 饭堂ID $company_id = check_form($argv[3]); // 公司ID $admin_id_suc = check_form($argv[4]); // 生成菜谱成功后,对改admin_id进行短信通知 $admin_id_err = check_form($argv[5]); // 生成菜谱失败后,对改admin_id进行短信通知 }else{ $act = check_form($_GET['act']); $dining_hall_id = check_form($_GET['dining_hall_id']); $company_id = check_form($_GET['company_id']); $admin_id_suc = check_form($_GET['admin_id_suc']); $admin_id_err = check_form($_GET['admin_id_err']); } if($act == 'create_dishes'){ $fp = fopen(dirname(__FILE__)."/time_task_lock.txt", "w+"); if (!flock($fp, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) { fclose($fp); exit; } $log_type = "create_dishes"; $res['status'] = 0; // $dining_hall_id = check_form($_GET['dining_hall_id']); // $admin_id_suc = check_form($_GET['admin_id_suc']); // $admin_id_err = check_form($_GET['admin_id_err']); if(empty($dining_hall_id) || empty($admin_id_suc) || empty($admin_id_err)){ // $res['msg'] = "必要参数不能为空"; // echo json_encode($res); echo "必要参数不能为空"; exit; } // 获取还没生成的菜式投票列表 $get_not_generate_list = $db->get_all("select a.*, b.name meal_type_name from tb_dish_vote_date a left join tb_meal_type b on a.dc_type=b.id where a.is_create_dishes='0' and a.status='1' and a.dining_hall_id='{$dining_hall_id}'"); if(empty($get_not_generate_list)){ echo "没有可生成菜谱的日期"; exit; } $now_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $generate_num = 0; $generate_suc_num = 0; $create_date_ids = array(); $vote_date_ids = array(); $msg = array(); // $msg_suc = ''; // $msg_err = ''; // 循环还没生成菜谱的周期 foreach ($get_not_generate_list as $k => $v){ if($now_time >= $v['deadline']){ $vote_date_ids[] = $v['id']; // 生成菜谱 for ($i=strtotime($v['start_day']); $i<=strtotime($v['end_day']); $i+=86400){ // 循环每一天 逐个添加 $current_date = date("Y-m-d", $i); // $add_date = $this->Dishes_model->add_date($current_date, $v['dc_type'], $v['dining_hall_id'], 1); // if($add_date == -1){ // $error_msg .= "【".date("Y-m-d", $i)."】 已存在菜谱,生成失败;"; // continue; // } $rs = add_date_dish($db, $v['id'], $current_date, $v['dc_type']); $generate_num += 1; if($rs['status'] == 0){ $msg[$current_date]['err'][] = $rs['msg']; // echo $rs['msg']; // $msg_err .= $rs['msg']; // pushSms($rs['msg']); // echo json_encode($rs); } if($rs['status'] == 1){ $msg[$current_date]['suc'][$v['meal_type_name']] .= $rs['msg']; // $msg[$current_date]['suc_type'][$v['meal_type_name']] +=1 ; // $msg[$current_date]['suc_type'][$v['meal_type_name']] +=1 ; // $msg_suc .= $rs['msg']; $create_date_ids[] = $rs['date_id']; $generate_suc_num += 1; } } } } // $res['status'] = 1; // $msg = "【{$get_not_generate_list['start_day']} ~ {$get_not_generate_list['end_day']}】({$get_not_generate_list['meal_type_name']})生成菜谱成功,共生成 {$generate_num} 餐次"; // $msg = "生成菜谱成功,共生成次数 {$generate_num} 餐次,成功生成 {$generate_suc_num} 餐次"; // pushSms($res['msg']); // 判断是否推送过 if($generate_suc_num == 0){ echo "没有可生成的菜谱,生成次数 {$generate_num},成功生成次数 {$generate_suc_num}"; } // 获取推送用户的信息 $admin_info = $db->get_all("select * from tb_admin where id in ({$admin_id_suc}) and enabled='1'"); if(empty($admin_info)){ echo "没有可推送的用户"; exit; } // 获取手机号列表 $cellphone_suc_list = array(); $cellphone_err_list = array(); $admin_suc_list = $db->get_all("select * from tb_admin where id in ({$admin_id_suc}) and enabled='1'"); $admin_err_list = $db->get_all("select * from tb_admin where id in ({$admin_id_err}) and enabled='1'"); $admin_suc_ids = array(); $admin_err_ids = array(); foreach ($admin_suc_list as $admin_key => $admin_val){ $check_create_dish = $db->get_one("select * from tb_jtj_ts_log where type='{$log_type}' and admin_id='{$admin_val['id']}' and vote_date_id in (".implode(",", $vote_date_ids).")"); // if($check_create_dish){ // // 这些周期都推送过 // continue; // } $cellphone_suc_list[] = $admin_val['cellphone']; $admin_suc_ids[] = $admin_val['id']; } foreach ($admin_err_list as $admin_key => $admin_val){ $check_create_dish = $db->get_one("select * from tb_jtj_ts_log where type='{$log_type}' and admin_id='{$admin_val['id']}' and vote_date_id in (".implode(",", $vote_date_ids).")"); // if($check_create_dish){ // // 这些周期都推送过 // continue; // } $cellphone_err_list[] = $admin_val['cellphone']; $admin_err_ids[] = $admin_val['id']; } // ,{$vote_date_info['meal_type_name']}的订餐数据; foreach ($msg as $msg_key => $msg_val){ foreach ($msg_val as $k2 => $v2){ $send_msg = ""; if($k2 == 'suc' && !empty($v2)){ // 成功的 foreach ($v2 as $suc_type_key => $suc_type_val){ $send_msg .= $suc_type_val; } foreach ($cellphone_suc_list as $k => $v){ // 过滤 // $check_username = $db->get_all("select * from tb_user where username in ('向熊林','霍瑞兴','张桂香','王建美','蒙秀荣','杜春梅','陆伟玲','谭婷芳','郑新浓','马绿花','莫火燕','覃金兰','张淼开','甘文盛','谢卫连','黎伟玲','黄玉娇','李亚炳','罗庆坚')"); // $check_tel = array_column($check_username, 'cellphone'); // if(in_array($v, $check_tel)){ // 暂时停止推送 // $send_res = sendTs($v, "自动生成菜谱提示", $send_msg); // $sms_res = sendSms($v, $send_msg); // } // $sms_res = sendSms($v, $send_msg); } }elseif($k2 == 'err' && !empty($msg_val)){ // 失败的 $send_msg = implode('', $msg_val['err']); foreach ($cellphone_err_list as $k => $v) { // 过滤 // $check_username = $db->get_all("select * from tb_user where username in ('向熊林','霍瑞兴','张桂香','王建美','蒙秀荣','杜春梅','陆伟玲','谭婷芳','郑新浓','马绿花','莫火燕','覃金兰','张淼开','甘文盛','谢卫连','黎伟玲','黄玉娇','李亚炳','罗庆坚')"); // $check_tel = array_column($check_username, 'cellphone'); // if(in_array($v, $check_tel)){ // 暂时停止推送 // $send_res = sendTs($v, "自动生成菜谱提示", $send_msg); // $sms_res = sendSms($v, $send_msg); // } // $sms_res = sendSms($v, $send_msg); } }else{ continue; } } } // ------------ 记录log $admin_id_arr = array_merge($admin_suc_ids,$admin_err_ids); $admin_id_arr = array_unique($admin_id_arr); foreach ($admin_id_arr as $admin_id_arr_key => $admin_id_arr_val){ foreach ($vote_date_ids as $vote_date_ids_key => $vote_date_ids_val){ // $data['cellphone'] = $v['cellphone']; $data['content'] = $sms_res; $data['type'] = $log_type; $data['admin_id'] = $admin_id_arr_val; // $data['user_id'] = $v['id']; $data['vote_date_id'] = $vote_date_ids_val; $data['add_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sql_data = ""; foreach ($data as $data_key => $data_val){ $sql_data .= ",{$data_key}='{$data_val}'"; } $sql_data = substr($sql_data, 1, strlen($sql_data)-1); // 推送log表记录 $db->query("insert into tb_jtj_ts_log set {$sql_data}"); } } } // 投票截止推送 if($act == 'vote_close_ts'){ $log_type = "vote_close"; // $company_id = check_form($_GET['company_id']); // $dining_hall_id = check_form($_GET['dining_hall_id']); $where = ""; if($company_id){ $where .= " and a.company_id='{$company_id}'"; } if($dining_hall_id){ $where .= " and a.dining_hall_id='{$dining_hall_id}'"; } // 获取配置 (投票截止提前的时间) $config = $db->get_one("select * from tb_jtj_excitation_config where name='VOTE_BEFORE_DEADLINE_HOUR'"); $vote_close_second = $config['value'] * 60 * 60; // 提前n秒提醒 // 获取投票截止时间 ------------- // 当前时间 $now_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // 在现在时间 + $vote_close_second 提前 $vote_close_second 小时 $remind_deadline = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($now_time) + $vote_close_second); // 需要提醒的投票范围列表 $dish_vote_date_info = $db->get_all("select a.*,b.name meal_type_name from tb_dish_vote_date a left join tb_meal_type b on a.dc_type=b.id where a.status='1' and a.deadline>='{$now_time}' and a.deadline<='{$remind_deadline}'"); if(empty($dish_vote_date_info)){ echo "没有需要推送的内容"; exit; } // 获取交通局的用户列表 (没被提醒过的人,或可以被提醒的人)(记录时间 < 当前时间-提前通知时间 = 允许再次提醒) $ts_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("-{$vote_close_second} seconds")); $jtj_user_list = $db->get_all("select a.* from tb_user a left join tb_jtj_ts_log b on a.id=b.user_id where a.enabled='1' {$where} "); $jtj_user = array(); foreach ($jtj_user_list as $k => $v){ if($v['add_time'] < $ts_time){ // 允许再次记录的用户 $jtj_user[] = $v['id']; } } if(empty($jtj_user)){ echo "没有需要推送的用户"; exit; } $ts_msg = array(); // 循环每个投票 周期 foreach ($dish_vote_date_info as $k => $v){ // if($v['id'] == 34){ // echo "-------------"; // } // 获取规则 $dish_vote_foot_type = $db->get_all("select * from tb_dish_vote_foot_type where dining_hall_id='{$v['dining_hall_id']}' and meal_type_id='{$v['dc_type']}'"); if(empty($dish_vote_foot_type)){ continue; } // 获取这个周期 有几天 (查找每天是否都投票满) $days = round(strtotime($v['end_day']) - strtotime($v['start_day']) / 3600 / 24); for ($i=strtotime($v['start_day']); $i<=strtotime($v['end_day']); $i+=86400){ // 获取已投票,用户投票的内容 $get_dish_type_num = $db->get_all("select a.*, a.user_id,GROUP_CONCAT(b.dish_type) dish_type_id from tb_dish_vote_user a , tb_dish b where a.vote_date_id='{$v['id']}' and a.dish_id=b.id and a.dining_hall_id='{$v['dining_hall_id']}' and a.status='2' and a.dc_type='{$v['dc_type']}' and a.date='".date('Y-m-d',$i)."' and a.user_id in (".implode(",",$jtj_user).") group by a.user_id "); // 获取 用户投票后的 菜品类型数组 $user_dish_id_arr = array(); $user_dish_id_arr2 = array(); foreach ($get_dish_type_num as $k2 => $v2){ $user_dish_id_arr[$v2['user_id']] = $v2['dish_type_id']; $user_dish_id_arr2[] = $v2['user_id']; } // 判断这天有没有没参与投票的人,直接推送通知 if(count($user_dish_id_arr2) != count($jtj_user)){ $diff = array_diff($jtj_user, $user_dish_id_arr2); foreach ($diff as $diff_key => $diff_val){ $user_dish_id_arr[$diff_val] = ''; } } // 提炼每个规则 foreach ($dish_vote_foot_type as $foot_type_key => $foot_type_val){ // 需要投票的票数 $max_vote = $foot_type_val['max_vote']; // 规则 对应的菜品类型 $dish_type_ids = substr($foot_type_val['dish_type_id'], 1, strlen($foot_type_val['dish_type_id']) - 2); $dish_type_ids = explode(",",$dish_type_ids); // 循环多个规则 foreach ($user_dish_id_arr as $user_id_key => $user_dish_val){ $vote_num = 0; // 循环单个用户 投票的菜品,匹配规则 if(!empty($user_dish_val)){ $user_dish_type_arr = explode(",", $user_dish_val); foreach ($user_dish_type_arr as $vote_dish_type_key => $vote_dish_type_val){ if(in_array($vote_dish_type_val, $dish_type_ids)){ $vote_num += 1; } } } if($vote_num < $max_vote){ // 投票少于规则,需要推送提醒 // 日期_周期ID_用户ID $ts_msg[$user_id_key][$v['id']][] = "【{$v['start_day']} ~ {$v['end_day']}】({$v['meal_type_name']}:{$foot_type_val['name']})投票准备截止,请尽快投票!"; // $ts_msg[date('Y-m-d',$i).'_'.$v['id'].'_'.$user_id_key][] = "【{$v['start_day']} ~ {$v['end_day']}】({$v['meal_type_name']}:{$foot_type_val['name']})投票准备截止,请尽快投票!"; // $ts_msg[date('Y-m-d',$i).'_'.$foot_type_val['name'].'_'.$v['id']][$user_id_key][] = "【{$v['start_day']} ~ {$v['end_day']}】({$v['meal_type_name']})投票准备截止,请尽快投票!{$foot_type_val['name']}-".date('Y-m-d',$i)."-{$vote_num}-{$max_vote}-{$user_id_key}"; // pushSms(); } } } } } foreach ($ts_msg as $k => $v){ // 判断推送记录 $vote_date_ids = array_keys($v); $check_vote_ts = $db->get_all("select * from tb_jtj_ts_log where type='{$log_type}' and user_id='{$k}' and vote_date_id in (".implode(',',$vote_date_ids).")"); if($check_vote_ts){ // 这些周期都推送过 echo "已有推送记录,不重复推送"; exit; } $user_info = $db->get_one("select * from tb_user where enabled='1' and id='{$k}'"); if(empty($check_reminder)){ // 发短信提醒 用户订餐 $cellphone = $user_info['cellphone']; $title = "投票通知"; $content = "您还有没投票的菜品,请及时投票"; // 暂时停止推送 // $send_res = sendTs($cellphone, $title, $content); // sendSms($cellphone, $content); // 暂时屏蔽推送消息 $send_res = 0; if($send_res){ foreach ($vote_date_ids as $vote_date_ids_key => $vote_date_ids_val){ $data['cellphone'] = $user_info['cellphone']; $data['title'] = $title; $data['content'] = $content; $data['type'] = $log_type; $data['user_id'] = $k; $data['vote_date_id'] = $vote_date_ids_val; $data['add_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sql_data = ""; foreach ($data as $data_key => $data_val){ $sql_data .= ",{$data_key}='{$data_val}'"; } $sql_data = substr($sql_data, 1, strlen($sql_data)-1); // 推送log表记录 $db->query("insert into tb_jtj_ts_log set {$sql_data}"); } echo "“{$user_info['cellphone']}” 用户推送消息成功。"; } }else{ echo "“{$user_info['cellphone']}” 用户已推送过消息。"; exit; } } } // 订餐截止推送 if($act == 'dc_close_ts'){ $log_type = "dc_close"; // $company_id = check_form($_GET['company_id']); // $dining_hall_id = check_form($_GET['dining_hall_id']); if(empty($dining_hall_id)){ echo "参数不能为空"; exit; } $where = ""; if($company_id){ $where .= " and company_id='{$company_id}'"; } if($dining_hall_id){ $where .= " and dining_hall_id='{$dining_hall_id}'"; } $config = $db->get_one("select * from tb_jtj_excitation_config where name='MEAL_BEFORE_DEADLINE_HOUR'"); $second = $config['value'] * 60 * 60; // 获取当前饭堂所有用户 $user_list = $db->get_one("select *,group_concat(id) ids from tb_user where enabled='1' {$where} group by dining_hall_id"); $now_day = date('Y-m-d'); $s_day = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-2 day')); // 获取今天订餐的dc_type $dc_type_arr = $db->get_all("select * from tb_date where dc_date>='{$s_day}' and dining_hall_id='{$dining_hall_id}'"); foreach ($dc_type_arr as $k => $v){ $dc_date = $v['dc_date']; $order_rule_info = $db->get_one("select a.name dc_type_name,b.* from tb_meal_type a,tb_order_rule b where a.id = b.for_dc_type and b.rule_type = 1 and for_action = 1 AND a.id='{$v['dc_type']}' and b.status='1' and b.dining_hall_id='{$dining_hall_id}'"); $reminder_time = strtotime($v['dc_date'] . " " . $order_rule_info['time']) - ($order_rule_info['relative_day'] * 86400) - $second; $reminder_end_time = strtotime($v['dc_date'] . " " . $order_rule_info['time']) - ($order_rule_info['relative_day'] * 86400); if(strtotime("now") >= $reminder_time && strtotime("now") <= $reminder_end_time){ // 提醒为订餐用户 $dc_user = $db->get_one("select *,group_concat(uid) uids from tb_order where date_id='{$v['id']}' and type='1' and is_delete='0' and uid in ({$user_list['ids']}) group by date_id"); $reminder_user_ids = array_diff(explode(",", $user_list['ids']), explode(",", $dc_user['uid'])); // 这些人还没订餐 if(!empty($reminder_user_ids)){ foreach ($reminder_user_ids as $ids_key => $ids_val){ // 判断是否通知过 // $check_reminder = $db->get_one("select * from tb_jtj_ts_log where type='{$log_type}' and user_id='{$ids_val}' and date_id='{$v['id']}'"); $check_reminder = $db->get_one("select * from tb_jtj_ts_log where type='{$log_type}' and user_id='{$ids_val}' and date='{$dc_date}'"); $user_info = $db->get_one("select * from tb_user where enabled='1' and id='{$ids_val}'"); if(empty($check_reminder)){ // 发短信提醒 用户订餐 $cellphone = $user_info['cellphone']; $title = "订餐通知"; // $content = "您还没预定 ".$v['dc_date']." 的{$order_rule_info['dc_type_name']},订餐即将结束,过时系统默认订餐,请及时订餐,如已订餐,请忽略此信息,谢谢。"; $content = "{$dc_date} 订餐即将结束,请及时订餐,过时系统将自动下单,如已订餐,请忽略此信息,谢谢。"; // 暂时停止推送 // $send_res = sendTs($cellphone, $title, $content); // sendSms($cellphone, $content); $send_res = 0; if($send_res){ $data['cellphone'] = $user_info['cellphone']; $data['title'] = $title; $data['content'] = $content; $data['type'] = $log_type; $data['user_id'] = $ids_val; $data['date_id'] = $v['id']; $data['date'] = $dc_date; $data['add_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sql_data = ""; foreach ($data as $data_key => $data_val){ $sql_data .= ",{$data_key}='{$data_val}'"; } $sql_data = substr($sql_data, 1, strlen($sql_data)-1); // 推送log表记录 $db->query("insert into tb_jtj_ts_log set {$sql_data}"); echo "“{$user_info['cellphone']}” 用户推送消息成功。"; } }else{ echo "“{$user_info['cellphone']}” 用户已推送过消息。"; continue; } } } }else{ echo "还没到通知时间。"; } } } // 余额不足推送 if($act == 'insufficient_balance_ts'){ $log_type = "insufficient_balance"; // $company_id = check_form($_GET['company_id']); // $dining_hall_id = check_form($_GET['dining_hall_id']); $config = $db->get_one("select * from tb_jtj_excitation_config where name='INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE'"); $price = $config['value']; $where = ""; if($company_id){ $where .= " and a.company_id='{$company_id}'"; } if($dining_hall_id){ $where .= " and a.dining_hall_id='{$dining_hall_id}'"; } // 获取钱包剩余金额 // $je_list = $db->get_all("select a.user_id, b.cellphone, b.username, sum(a.account) account_total // from tb_account a // left join tb_user b on a.user_id=b.id // where a.type_id in (1,2) and b.enabled='1' {$where} // GROUP BY a.user_id"); // $je_list = $db->get_all("select a.id, a.cellphone, a.username,sum(a.account) // from (select a.id, a.cellphone, a.username,b.account,b.type_id from tb_user a left join tb_account b on a.id=b.user_id) a // where a.type_id in (1,2) or a.type_id is null // GROUP BY a.id"); $je_list = $db->get_all("select a.id, a.cellphone, a.username, sum(b.account) account_total from tb_user a left join tb_account b on a.id=b.user_id where a.enabled='1' and (b.type_id in (1,2) or b.type_id is null) {$where} GROUP BY a.id"); if(!empty($je_list)){ foreach ($je_list as $k => $v){ if($v['account_total'] < $price){ // 推送规则 $check_ye = $db->get_one("select * from tb_jtj_ts_log where type='{$log_type}' and user_id='{$v['id']}' and CURDATE() <= date(add_time) order by id desc"); if($check_ye){ // 今天内不重复推送 echo "{$v['cellphone']} 号码余额不足 {$price} 元 已推送过。\n"; continue; } // 提示余额不足推送 // 推送log表记录 $cellphone = $v['cellphone']; $title = "余额不足"; $content = "您的余额已不足 {$price} 元,请及时充值。"; // $check_username = $db->get_all("select * from tb_user where username in ('向熊林','霍瑞兴','张桂香','王建美','蒙秀荣','杜春梅','陆伟玲','谭婷芳','郑新浓','马绿花','莫火燕','覃金兰','张淼开','甘文盛','谢卫连','黎伟玲','黄玉娇','李亚炳','罗庆坚')"); // $check_tel = array_column($check_username, 'cellphone'); // if(in_array($cellphone, $check_tel)){ $send_res = sendTs($cellphone, $title, $content); // $sms_res = sendSms($cellphone, $content); // } // $send_res = sendTs($cellphone, $title, $content); // $sms_res = sendSms($cellphone, $content); if($send_res){ $data['cellphone'] = $cellphone; $data['title'] = $title; $data['content'] = $content; $data['type'] = $log_type; $data['user_id'] = $v['id']; $data['add_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sql_data = ""; foreach ($data as $data_key => $data_val){ $sql_data .= ",{$data_key}='{$data_val}'"; } $sql_data = substr($sql_data, 1, strlen($sql_data)-1); $db->query("insert into tb_jtj_ts_log set {$sql_data}"); } } } }else{ echo "找不到对应用户"; exit; } } // 截止时间后,自动生成进行订餐(星期日订下周的餐,订菜谱所有的菜品) if($act == 'default_dish'){ $fp = fopen(dirname(__FILE__)."/time_task_lock.txt", "w+"); if (!flock($fp, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) { fclose($fp); exit; } header("Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); // 测试数据 $dc_types = check_form($argv[2]); // dc_type $company_id = check_form($argv[3]); // 公司ID $cls_ids = check_form($argv[4]); // 荤素汤 1,2,3 // 自动订餐提前几天 $relative_day_tq = 1; if(empty($dc_types)){ $dc_types = trim($_GET['dc_types']); } if(empty($company_id)){ $company_id = trim($_GET['company_id']); } if(empty($cls_ids)){ $cls_ids = trim($_GET['cls_ids']); } if(empty($cls_ids)){ $cls_ids = '4,5,6'; // 荤素汤 1,2,3 } $cls_ids_arr = explode(',', $cls_ids); // $dc_types = "27,33,25"; // 早,午,晚 // if(empty($dc_types) || empty($company_id)){ // exit; // } // 记录异常问题提示 $err_msg = array(); $suc_msg = array(); // 查找几天内 $other_day = strtotime("-5 day"); // 当前时间往前5天 $to_day = date('Y-m-d'); $time = date('H:i:s'); $relative_datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $current_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // 判断明天是否有可定餐 $dc_date_list = $db->get_all(" select a.id date_id, a.dc_date, a.update_time, b.name dc_type_name, b.id dc_type, b.start_time, c.* from tb_date a left join tb_meal_type b on a.dc_type=b.id left join tb_order_rule c on (a.dc_type=c.for_dc_type and c.`status`=1 and c.dining_hall_id=a.dining_hall_id and c.rule_type=1 and c.for_action=1) where a.dc_date>='{$to_day}' and b.company_id='{$company_id}' and b.mealtype='1' and a.dc_type in ({$dc_types}) "); if(empty($dc_date_list)){ $err_msg[] = "没有安排可订餐时间"; echo "没有安排可订餐时间"; exit; } // 获取所有可以自动进行订餐的 用户 $user_list = $db->get_all("select * from tb_user where enabled in (1,-1) and company_id='{$company_id}' and default_dc_type!=''"); // 进行订餐 foreach ($dc_date_list as $k => $v){ // 判断当前菜谱的更新时间,更新时间+1小时才能执行自动订餐 if(!empty($v['update_time'])){ $update_time = strtotime($v['update_time']) + 3600; if($update_time > time()){ echo "创建菜谱后1小时才能自动订餐"; continue; } } $log_type = 'default_dish'; $dc_date = $v['dc_date']; $date_id = $v['date_id']; $dc_type_name = $v['dc_type_name']; $dc_type = $v['for_dc_type']; // 1预定,2退订 $for_action = $v['for_action']; // 提前多少天 if($relative_day_tq){ $relative_day = $relative_day_tq; }else{ $relative_day = $v['relative_day']; } // 截止时间 $deadline = $v['time']; // 获取下一周的日期段 $next_week_arr = get_next_week_day(1); $next_week_start_day = $next_week_arr['start_day']; // 临时改周日也可以订餐 // $z_ri = strtotime($next_week_arr['start_day']) - (60*60*24); // $next_week_start_day = date('Y-m-d', $z_ri); // // 前提2天,星期6自动订 // $relative_day = 2; $next_week_start_end = $next_week_arr['end_day']; // 订餐周期的起始日(的$relative_day,表示提前多少天开始订餐) $current_date = strtotime($next_week_start_day) - (60 * 60 * 24 * $relative_day); $current_date = date('Y-m-d', $current_date)." 09:00:00"; // 非下周的餐次,都跳过 if($dc_date < $next_week_start_day || $dc_date > $next_week_start_end){ continue; } // 截止具体时间 $deadline_time = strtotime($v['dc_date']) - (60 * 60 * 24 * $relative_day); $deadline_time = date('Y-m-d', $deadline_time) ." {$deadline}"; // 判断时间段 用餐开始时间 $meal_time = $dc_date.' '.$v['start_time']; if(strtotime($current_date) > time()){ echo "还没到周期开始日前{$relative_day}天的09:00:00自动订餐时间 {$dc_date} {$dc_type_name}
"; continue; } // 今天的餐都不订 if($dc_date <= date('Y-m-d')){ echo "今天的餐都不订 {$dc_date} {$dc_type_name}
"; continue; } // 每天下午09:00 对未订餐开始订餐 if(date("H:i") <= "09:00"){ echo "还没到09:00订餐时间 {$dc_date} {$dc_type_name}
"; continue; } // 循环用户 foreach ($user_list as $user_k => $user_v){ $cellphone = $user_v['cellphone']; // 用户设置自定义 自动订餐 if(empty($user_v['default_dc_type'])){ // 用户没有设置自动订餐 echo "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】用户没有设置自动订餐
"; continue; } $default_dc_type = explode(',', $user_v['default_dc_type']); if(!in_array($v['dc_type'], $default_dc_type)){ // 当前dc_type 用户没有设置自动订餐 echo "当前dc_type='{$v['dc_type']}' 用户没有设置自动订餐
"; continue; } $dish = array(); $user_id = $user_v['id']; $dining_hall_id = $user_v['dining_hall_id']; $user_type_id = $user_v['type_id']; // 判断该用户是否订餐(已订过餐 或 已取消过) $check_dish = $db->get_one("select * from tb_order where uid='{$user_id}' and type='1' and state_id in (3,4,6) and date_id='{$date_id}' and is_delete=0"); if($check_dish){ continue; } // if($dc_type == '229'){ // 当菜品类型 是 早餐,固定从tb_date 找3个dish_type的一个菜品 生成 $dish $dish = array(); $get_dc_date_info = $db->get_all("select * from tb_date a ,tb_date_dish b where a.id=b.date_id and a.dc_date='{$dc_date}' and a.dc_type='{$dc_type}' and a.dining_hall_id='{$dining_hall_id}'"); $dish_list_id = array_column($get_dc_date_info, 'dish_id'); $dish_list_id_str = join(',', $dish_list_id); $dish = $db->get_all("select * from tb_dish where id in ({$dish_list_id_str}) and enabled='1'"); if(count($dish) <= 0){ $err_msg[] = $log_msg = "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】 {$dc_date} {$dc_type_name} 菜品类型不足,必须大于等于1个菜品"; echo $log_msg; $log_data['cellphone'] = $user_v['cellphone']; $log_data['title'] = '自动订餐'; $log_data['content'] = $log_msg; $log_data['type'] = $log_type; $log_data['user_id'] = $user_v['id']; $log_data['add_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sql_data = ""; foreach ($log_data as $data_key => $data_val){ $sql_data .= ",{$data_key}='{$data_val}'"; } $sql_data = substr($sql_data, 1, strlen($sql_data)-1); $db->query("insert into tb_jtj_ts_log set {$sql_data}"); continue; } // } // 下单 $total_price = 0; // 计算金额 foreach ($dish as $dk => $dv){ $total_price += $dv['dish_price']; } //考虑tb_meal_type_guding_price固定金额 $row = $db->get_one("select * from tb_meal_type_guding_price where company_id = '".$company_id."' and meal_type_id = '".$dc_type."' and (user_type_id=0 or user_type_id=".$user_type_id.") and (dining_hall_id=0 or dining_hall_id = ".$dining_hall_id.") order by idx"); if($row) { $total_price = $row['price']; } // 判断该用户余额是否充足 $user_balance = $db->get_one("select sum(account) account from tb_account where user_id='{$user_id}' group by user_id"); if($user_balance['account'] < $total_price){ // 判断是否今天已经记录过 $check_yu_e = $db->get_one("select * from tb_jtj_ts_log where DAY(add_time) = DAY(NOW()) and type='default_dish' and user_id='{$user_v['id']}' and content like '%余额不足%'"); if($check_yu_e){ echo "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】 余额不足,自动订餐失败,今天已记录过,跳过。
"; continue; } $err_msg[] = $log_msg = "用户:{$user_v['username']} 余额不足,自动订餐失败。"; echo "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】 余额不足,自动订餐失败。
"; $log_data['cellphone'] = $user_v['cellphone']; $log_data['title'] = '自动订餐'; $log_data['content'] = $log_msg; $log_data['type'] = $log_type; $log_data['user_id'] = $user_v['id']; $log_data['add_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sql_data = ""; foreach ($log_data as $data_key => $data_val){ $sql_data .= ",{$data_key}='{$data_val}'"; } $sql_data = substr($sql_data, 1, strlen($sql_data)-1); $db->query("insert into tb_jtj_ts_log set {$sql_data}"); continue; } $total_num = count($dish); $parent_code = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); // 生成code do { $code = date('Ymd') . $dc_type . substr(preg_replace("/[a-z]/", "", md5(rand()."_1".microtime())."0000"), 0, 4); $t_order = $db->get_one("select a.* from tb_order a where code = '{$code}'"); } while ($t_order); // 生成take_food_code do { $take_food_code = substr(preg_replace("/[a-z]/", "", md5(rand()."_".microtime())."00000000"), 0, 8); $t_order = $db->get_one("select a.* from tb_order a where take_food_code='{$take_food_code}'"); } while ($t_order); $qrcode_url = "/show/get.php?act=getQRCode&takecode=" . $take_food_code; $total = array("total_price" => $total_price, "total_num" => $total_num); if($total_num <= 0){ // if($total_num < $default_dish_num){ $log_msg = "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】 {$dc_date} {$dc_type_name} 没有可订的菜品,自定订餐失败。"; $log_data['cellphone'] = $user_v['cellphone']; $log_data['title'] = '自动订餐'; $log_data['content'] = $log_msg; $log_data['type'] = $log_type; $log_data['user_id'] = $user_v['id']; $log_data['add_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sql_data = ""; foreach ($log_data as $data_key => $data_val){ $sql_data .= ",{$data_key}='{$data_val}'"; } $sql_data = substr($sql_data, 1, strlen($sql_data)-1); $db->query("insert into tb_jtj_ts_log set {$sql_data}"); echo $log_msg; continue; } $order = array( 'code' => $code, "parent_code" => $parent_code, "state_id" => 6, "uid" => $user_id, "date_id" => $date_id, "type" => 1, "create_time" => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), "book_num" => 1, "take_num" => 0, "reason" => "自动订餐,订餐消费支付{$total['total_price']}元", "take_food_code" => $take_food_code, 'total_num' => $total['total_num'], 'total_price' => $total['total_price'], "qrcode_url" => $qrcode_url, "qrcode_path" => '', "book_fee" => 0 ); // 延迟0.01-0.6秒 $suijishu = mt_rand(1,60); usleep($suijishu * 10000); // 在判断是否已经有订单 $check_dish = $db->get_one("select * from tb_order where uid='{$user_id}' and type='1' and state_id in (3,4,6) and date_id='{$date_id}' and is_delete=0"); if($check_dish){ continue; } $db->insert("tb_order", $order); $oid = $db->insert_id(); if($oid > 0){ $rList = array(array('ac' => $total['total_price'], 'rtype' => 2, 'ftid' => $dining_hall_id, 'oid' => $oid)); foreach ($dish as $dk => $dv){ $order_detail = array("order_id" => $oid, "dish_id" => $dv['id'], "dish_amount" => 1, "dish_price" => $dv['dish_price']); // $this->Dishes_model->add_date_dish_book_num(1, $date_id, $dv['dish_id']); $db->update("tb_date_dish", array('book_num' => 'book_num+1'), "date_id='{$date_id}' and dish_id='{$dv['id']}'"); $db->insert("tb_order_detail", $order_detail); $odid = $db->insert_id(); } $date = strtotime($dc_date); $month = date('n', $date); $day = date('j', $date); $date_text = $month . '月' . $day . '日' . '(周' . cnWeek($date) . ')' . $dc_type_name; $result[] = array('order_id' => $oid, 'meal_text' => $date_text, 'take_food_code' => $order['take_food_code'], 'qr_code' => $qrcode_url, "total_price" => $total['total_price'], "total_num" => $total['total_num']); } // 结账 if($rList) { //扣费 $r = gpay_pay_user_account($user_id, $rList, $updateInfo); if($r != 'suc') { // 支付失败,删除记录 foreach ($dish as $dk => $dv){ $db->update("tb_date_dish", array('book_num' => 'book_num-1'), "date_id='{$date_id}' and dish_id='{$dv['id']}'"); } $db->delete("tb_order_detail", "order_id='{$oid}'"); $db->delete("tb_order", "id='{$oid}'"); if($r == 'yebz') { // echo "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】余额不足,下单失败,请先充值"; $err_msg[] = $log_msg = "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】余额不足,下单失败,请先充值。"; } else { $err_msg[] = $log_msg = "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】下单失败,请重试!"; // echo "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】下单失败,请重试!"; } }else{ $suc_msg[] = $log_msg = "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】{$dc_type_name} 订餐成功,订单ID:{$oid}
"; // 发推送和短信 // $check_username = $db->get_all("select * from tb_user where username in ('向熊林','霍瑞兴','张桂香','王建美','蒙秀荣','杜春梅','陆伟玲','谭婷芳','郑新浓','马绿花','莫火燕','覃金兰','张淼开','甘文盛','谢卫连','黎伟玲','黄玉娇','李亚炳','罗庆坚')"); // $check_tel = array_column($check_username, 'cellphone'); // if(in_array($cellphone, $check_tel)){ $content = "已成功为您订餐:{$dc_date} {$dc_type_name},您可进入“云中美食app-我的订单”查看。"; // 暂时停止推送 // $send_res = sendTs($cellphone, $title, $content); // $sms_res = sendSms($cellphone, $content); // } } $log_data['cellphone'] = $user_v['cellphone']; $log_data['title'] = '自动订餐'; $log_data['content'] = $log_msg; $log_data['type'] = $log_type; $log_data['user_id'] = $user_v['id']; $log_data['add_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sql_data = ""; foreach ($log_data as $data_key => $data_val){ $sql_data .= ",{$data_key}='{$data_val}'"; } $sql_data = substr($sql_data, 1, strlen($sql_data)-1); $db->query("insert into tb_jtj_ts_log set {$sql_data}"); echo $log_msg; } } } } // 今天订明天的餐 if($act == 'default_dish3'){ $fp = fopen(dirname(__FILE__)."/time_task_lock.txt", "w+"); if (!flock($fp, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) { fclose($fp); exit; } header("Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); // 测试数据 $dc_types = check_form($argv[2]); // dc_type $company_id = check_form($argv[3]); // 公司ID $cls_ids = check_form($argv[4]); // 荤素汤 1,2,3 // 自动订餐提前几天 $relative_day_tq = 1; if(empty($dc_types)){ $dc_types = trim($_GET['dc_types']); } if(empty($company_id)){ $company_id = trim($_GET['company_id']); } if(empty($cls_ids)){ $cls_ids = trim($_GET['cls_ids']); } if(empty($cls_ids)){ $cls_ids = '4,5,6'; // 荤素汤 1,2,3 } $cls_ids_arr = explode(',', $cls_ids); // $dc_types = "27,33,25"; // 早,午,晚 // if(empty($dc_types) || empty($company_id)){ // exit; // } // 记录异常问题提示 $err_msg = array(); $suc_msg = array(); $to_day = date('Y-m-d'); $time = date('H:i:s'); $current_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // 明天 $tomorrow_date = date('Y-m-d' , strtotime("+1 days")); // 判断明天是否有可定餐 $dc_date_list = $db->get_all(" select a.id date_id, a.dc_date, b.name dc_type_name, b.id dc_type, b.start_time, c.* from tb_date a left join tb_meal_type b on a.dc_type=b.id left join tb_order_rule c on (a.dc_type=c.for_dc_type and c.`status`=1 and c.dining_hall_id=a.dining_hall_id and c.rule_type=1 and c.for_action=1) where a.dc_date='{$tomorrow_date}' and b.company_id='{$company_id}' and b.mealtype='1' and a.dc_type in ({$dc_types}) "); if(empty($dc_date_list)){ $err_msg[] = "没有安排可订餐时间"; echo "没有安排可订餐时间"; exit; } // 获取所有可以自动进行订餐的 用户 $user_list = $db->get_all("select * from tb_user where enabled in (1,-1) and company_id='{$company_id}' and default_dc_type!=''"); // 进行订餐 foreach ($dc_date_list as $k => $v){ $log_type = 'default_dish'; $dc_date = $v['dc_date']; $date_id = $v['date_id']; $dc_type_name = $v['dc_type_name']; $dc_type = $v['for_dc_type']; // 1预定,2退订 $for_action = $v['for_action']; // 提前多少天 if($relative_day_tq){ $relative_day = $relative_day_tq; }else{ $relative_day = $v['relative_day']; } // 截止时间 $deadline = $v['time']; //非明天的餐 都不订 if($dc_date != $tomorrow_date){ echo "非明天的餐,都不订"; continue; } // 判断时间段 用餐开始时间 $meal_time = $dc_date.' '.$v['start_time']; // 每天下午09:00 对未订餐开始订餐 if(date("H:i") <= "09:00"){ echo "还没到09:00订餐时间 {$dc_date} {$dc_type_name}
"; continue; } // 循环用户 foreach ($user_list as $user_k => $user_v){ $cellphone = $user_v['cellphone']; // 用户设置自定义 自动订餐 if(empty($user_v['default_dc_type'])){ // 用户没有设置自动订餐 echo "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】用户没有设置自动订餐
"; continue; } $default_dc_type = explode(',', $user_v['default_dc_type']); if(!in_array($v['dc_type'], $default_dc_type)){ // 当前dc_type 用户没有设置自动订餐 echo "当前dc_type='{$v['dc_type']}' 用户没有设置自动订餐
"; continue; } $dish = array(); $user_id = $user_v['id']; $dining_hall_id = $user_v['dining_hall_id']; $user_type_id = $user_v['type_id']; // 判断该用户是否订餐(已订过餐 或 已取消过) $check_dish = $db->get_one("select * from tb_order where uid='{$user_id}' and type='1' and state_id in (3,4,6) and date_id='{$date_id}' and is_delete=0"); if($check_dish){ continue; } // if($dc_type == '229'){ // 当菜品类型 是 早餐,固定从tb_date 找3个dish_type的一个菜品 生成 $dish $dish = array(); $get_dc_date_info = $db->get_all("select * from tb_date a ,tb_date_dish b where a.id=b.date_id and a.dc_date='{$dc_date}' and a.dc_type='{$dc_type}' and a.dining_hall_id='{$dining_hall_id}'"); $dish_list_id = array_column($get_dc_date_info, 'dish_id'); $dish_list_id_str = join(',', $dish_list_id); $dish = $db->get_all("select * from tb_dish where id in ({$dish_list_id_str}) and enabled='1'"); if(count($dish) <= 0){ $err_msg[] = $log_msg = "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】 {$dc_date} {$dc_type_name} 菜品类型不足,必须大于等于1个菜品"; echo $log_msg; $log_data['cellphone'] = $user_v['cellphone']; $log_data['title'] = '自动订餐'; $log_data['content'] = $log_msg; $log_data['type'] = $log_type; $log_data['user_id'] = $user_v['id']; $log_data['add_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sql_data = ""; foreach ($log_data as $data_key => $data_val){ $sql_data .= ",{$data_key}='{$data_val}'"; } $sql_data = substr($sql_data, 1, strlen($sql_data)-1); $db->query("insert into tb_jtj_ts_log set {$sql_data}"); continue; } // } // 下单 $total_price = 0; // 计算金额 foreach ($dish as $dk => $dv){ $total_price += $dv['dish_price']; } //考虑tb_meal_type_guding_price固定金额 $row = $db->get_one("select * from tb_meal_type_guding_price where company_id = '".$company_id."' and meal_type_id = '".$dc_type."' and (user_type_id=0 or user_type_id=".$user_type_id.") and (dining_hall_id=0 or dining_hall_id = ".$dining_hall_id.") order by idx"); if($row) { $total_price = $row['price']; } // 判断该用户余额是否充足 $user_balance = $db->get_one("select sum(account) account from tb_account where user_id='{$user_id}' group by user_id"); if($user_balance['account'] < $total_price){ // 判断是否今天已经记录过 $check_yu_e = $db->get_one("select * from tb_jtj_ts_log where DAY(add_time) = DAY(NOW()) and type='default_dish' and user_id='{$user_v['id']}' and content like '%余额不足%'"); if($check_yu_e){ echo "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】 余额不足,自动订餐失败,今天已记录过,跳过。
"; continue; } $err_msg[] = $log_msg = "用户:{$user_v['username']} 余额不足,自动订餐失败。"; echo "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】 余额不足,自动订餐失败。
"; $log_data['cellphone'] = $user_v['cellphone']; $log_data['title'] = '自动订餐'; $log_data['content'] = $log_msg; $log_data['type'] = $log_type; $log_data['user_id'] = $user_v['id']; $log_data['add_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sql_data = ""; foreach ($log_data as $data_key => $data_val){ $sql_data .= ",{$data_key}='{$data_val}'"; } $sql_data = substr($sql_data, 1, strlen($sql_data)-1); $db->query("insert into tb_jtj_ts_log set {$sql_data}"); continue; } $total_num = count($dish); $parent_code = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); // 生成code do { $code = date('Ymd') . $dc_type . substr(preg_replace("/[a-z]/", "", md5(rand()."_1".microtime())."0000"), 0, 4); $t_order = $db->get_one("select a.* from tb_order a where code = '{$code}'"); } while ($t_order); // 生成take_food_code do { $take_food_code = substr(preg_replace("/[a-z]/", "", md5(rand()."_".microtime())."00000000"), 0, 8); $t_order = $db->get_one("select a.* from tb_order a where take_food_code='{$take_food_code}'"); } while ($t_order); $qrcode_url = "/show/get.php?act=getQRCode&takecode=" . $take_food_code; $total = array("total_price" => $total_price, "total_num" => $total_num); if($total_num <= 0){ // if($total_num < $default_dish_num){ $log_msg = "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】 {$dc_date} {$dc_type_name} 没有可订的菜品,自定订餐失败。"; $log_data['cellphone'] = $user_v['cellphone']; $log_data['title'] = '自动订餐'; $log_data['content'] = $log_msg; $log_data['type'] = $log_type; $log_data['user_id'] = $user_v['id']; $log_data['add_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sql_data = ""; foreach ($log_data as $data_key => $data_val){ $sql_data .= ",{$data_key}='{$data_val}'"; } $sql_data = substr($sql_data, 1, strlen($sql_data)-1); $db->query("insert into tb_jtj_ts_log set {$sql_data}"); echo $log_msg; continue; } $order = array( 'code' => $code, "parent_code" => $parent_code, "state_id" => 6, "uid" => $user_id, "date_id" => $date_id, "type" => 1, "create_time" => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), "book_num" => 1, "take_num" => 0, "reason" => "自动订餐,订餐消费支付{$total['total_price']}元", "take_food_code" => $take_food_code, 'total_num' => $total['total_num'], 'total_price' => $total['total_price'], "qrcode_url" => $qrcode_url, "qrcode_path" => '', "book_fee" => 0 ); // 延迟0.01-0.6秒 $suijishu = mt_rand(1,60); usleep($suijishu * 10000); // 在判断是否已经有订单 $check_dish = $db->get_one("select * from tb_order where uid='{$user_id}' and type='1' and state_id in (3,4,6) and date_id='{$date_id}' and is_delete=0"); if($check_dish){ continue; } $db->insert("tb_order", $order); $oid = $db->insert_id(); if($oid > 0){ $rList = array(array('ac' => $total['total_price'], 'rtype' => 2, 'ftid' => $dining_hall_id, 'oid' => $oid)); foreach ($dish as $dk => $dv){ $order_detail = array("order_id" => $oid, "dish_id" => $dv['id'], "dish_amount" => 1, "dish_price" => $dv['dish_price']); // $this->Dishes_model->add_date_dish_book_num(1, $date_id, $dv['dish_id']); $db->update("tb_date_dish", array('book_num' => 'book_num+1'), "date_id='{$date_id}' and dish_id='{$dv['id']}'"); $db->insert("tb_order_detail", $order_detail); $odid = $db->insert_id(); } $date = strtotime($dc_date); $month = date('n', $date); $day = date('j', $date); $date_text = $month . '月' . $day . '日' . '(周' . cnWeek($date) . ')' . $dc_type_name; $result[] = array('order_id' => $oid, 'meal_text' => $date_text, 'take_food_code' => $order['take_food_code'], 'qr_code' => $qrcode_url, "total_price" => $total['total_price'], "total_num" => $total['total_num']); } // 结账 if($rList) { //扣费 $r = gpay_pay_user_account($user_id, $rList, $updateInfo); if($r != 'suc') { // 支付失败,删除记录 foreach ($dish as $dk => $dv){ $db->update("tb_date_dish", array('book_num' => 'book_num-1'), "date_id='{$date_id}' and dish_id='{$dv['id']}'"); } $db->delete("tb_order_detail", "order_id='{$oid}'"); $db->delete("tb_order", "id='{$oid}'"); if($r == 'yebz') { // echo "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】余额不足,下单失败,请先充值"; $err_msg[] = $log_msg = "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】余额不足,下单失败,请先充值。"; } else { $err_msg[] = $log_msg = "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】下单失败,请重试!"; // echo "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】下单失败,请重试!"; } }else{ $suc_msg[] = $log_msg = "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】{$dc_type_name} 订餐成功,订单ID:{$oid}
"; // 发推送和短信 // $check_username = $db->get_all("select * from tb_user where username in ('向熊林','霍瑞兴','张桂香','王建美','蒙秀荣','杜春梅','陆伟玲','谭婷芳','郑新浓','马绿花','莫火燕','覃金兰','张淼开','甘文盛','谢卫连','黎伟玲','黄玉娇','李亚炳','罗庆坚')"); // $check_tel = array_column($check_username, 'cellphone'); // if(in_array($cellphone, $check_tel)){ $content = "已成功为您订餐:{$dc_date} {$dc_type_name},您可进入“云中美食app-我的订单”查看。"; // 暂时停止推送 // $send_res = sendTs($cellphone, $title, $content); // $sms_res = sendSms($cellphone, $content); // } } $log_data['cellphone'] = $user_v['cellphone']; $log_data['title'] = '自动订餐'; $log_data['content'] = $log_msg; $log_data['type'] = $log_type; $log_data['user_id'] = $user_v['id']; $log_data['add_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sql_data = ""; foreach ($log_data as $data_key => $data_val){ $sql_data .= ",{$data_key}='{$data_val}'"; } $sql_data = substr($sql_data, 1, strlen($sql_data)-1); $db->query("insert into tb_jtj_ts_log set {$sql_data}"); echo $log_msg; } } } } // 星期日 订下周的餐,根据投票表 if($act == 'default_dish2'){ $fp = fopen(dirname(__FILE__)."/time_task_lock.txt", "w+"); if (!flock($fp, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) { fclose($fp); exit; } header("Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); // 测试数据 $dc_types = check_form($argv[2]); // dc_type $company_id = check_form($argv[3]); // 公司ID $cls_ids = check_form($argv[4]); // 荤素汤 1,2,3 // 自动订餐提前几天 $relative_day_tq = 1; if(empty($dc_types)){ $dc_types = trim($_GET['dc_types']); } if(empty($company_id)){ $company_id = trim($_GET['company_id']); } if(empty($cls_ids)){ $cls_ids = trim($_GET['cls_ids']); } if(empty($cls_ids)){ $cls_ids = '4,5,6'; // 荤素汤 1,2,3 } $cls_ids_arr = explode(',', $cls_ids); // $dc_types = "27,33,25"; // 早,午,晚 if(empty($dc_types) || empty($company_id)){ exit; } // 记录异常问题提示 $err_msg = array(); $suc_msg = array(); // 查找几天内 $other_day = strtotime("-5 day"); // 当前时间往前5天 // $to_day = date('Y-m-d', $other_day); // $time = date('H:i:s', $other_day); // $relative_datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $other_day); $to_day = date('Y-m-d'); $time = date('H:i:s'); $relative_datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $current_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // 判断今天是否有 可订餐 $dc_date_list = $db->get_all(" select a.id date_id, a.dc_date, b.name dc_type_name, b.id dc_type, b.start_time, c.* from tb_date a left join tb_meal_type b on a.dc_type=b.id left join tb_order_rule c on (a.dc_type=c.for_dc_type and c.`status`=1 and c.dining_hall_id=a.dining_hall_id and c.rule_type=1 and c.for_action=1) where a.dc_date>='{$to_day}' and b.company_id='{$company_id}' and b.mealtype='1' and a.dc_type in ({$dc_types}) "); if(empty($dc_date_list)){ $err_msg[] = "没有安排可订餐时间"; echo "没有安排可订餐时间"; exit; } // 获取所有可以自动进行订餐的 用户 $user_list = $db->get_all("select * from tb_user where enabled='1' and company_id='{$company_id}' and default_dc_type!=''"); // 进行订餐 foreach ($dc_date_list as $k => $v){ $log_type = 'default_dish'; $dc_date = $v['dc_date']; $date_id = $v['date_id']; $dc_type_name = $v['dc_type_name']; $dc_type = $v['for_dc_type']; // 1预定,2退订 $for_action = $v['for_action']; // 提前多少天 if($relative_day_tq){ $relative_day = $relative_day_tq; }else{ $relative_day = $v['relative_day']; } // 截止时间 $deadline = $v['time']; /* // 获取投票开始时间,前一天开始(暂时不判断is_create_dishes=1,因为生成菜谱还没成功update 1,待修复) $vote_info = $db->get_one("select a.* from tb_dish_vote_date a left join tb_dining_hall b on a.dining_hall_id=b.id where a.start_day<='{$dc_date}' and a.end_day>='{$dc_date}' and a.dc_type='{$v['dc_type']}' and a.status=1 and b.enabled=1 and b.company_id='{$company_id}'"); if($vote_info){ // 订餐周期的起始日 $current_date = strtotime($vote_info['start_day']) - (60 * 60 * 24 * $relative_day); $current_date = date('Y-m-d', $current_date)." 17:30:00"; // $current_date_end = date('Y-m-d', $current_date)." 23:59:59"; }else{ echo "找不到投票周期的信息 {$dc_date} {$dc_type_name}
"; continue; }*/ // 需求修改,只是用自动订餐 // 获取下一周的日期段 $next_week_arr = get_next_week_day(1); $next_week_start_day = $next_week_arr['start_day']; $next_week_start_end = $next_week_arr['end_day']; // 订餐周期的起始日(的$relative_day,表示提前多少天开始订餐) $current_date = strtotime($next_week_start_day) - (60 * 60 * 24 * $relative_day); $current_date = date('Y-m-d', $current_date)." 09:00:00"; // 非下周的餐次,都跳过 if($dc_date < $next_week_start_day || $dc_date > $next_week_start_end){ continue; } // 截止具体时间 $deadline_time = strtotime($v['dc_date']) - (60 * 60 * 24 * $relative_day); $deadline_time = date('Y-m-d', $deadline_time) ." {$deadline}"; // 判断时间段 用餐开始时间 $meal_time = $dc_date.' '.$v['start_time']; if(strtotime($current_date) > time()){ echo "还没到周期开始日前{$relative_day}天的09:00:00自动订餐时间 {$dc_date} {$dc_type_name}
"; continue; } // 今天的餐都不订 if($dc_date <= date('Y-m-d')){ echo "今天的餐都不订 {$dc_date} {$dc_type_name}
"; continue; } // 每天下午09:00 对未订餐开始订餐 if(date("H:i") <= "09:00"){ echo "还没到09:00订餐时间 {$dc_date} {$dc_type_name}
"; continue; } // 已经开始用餐就不自动订餐 if(time() > strtotime($meal_time)){ echo "已经开始用餐,不进行自动订餐 {$dc_date} {$dc_type_name}
"; continue; } // 如果中途需要订餐,则 // if(strtotime($current_date) < time() && strtotime($current_date_end) > time()){ // // 只订当前时间还没开始用餐 往后的餐次 (提前$relative_day日) // // $tiqian = $relative_day; // // 提前 $relative_day 日 到 $relative_day日的晚上12点 允许自动订餐 // $tiqian = strtotime($v['dc_date']) - (60 * 60 * 24 * $relative_day); // $tiqian_start = date('Y-m-d', $tiqian) ." 17:30:00"; // $tiqian_end = date('Y-m-d', $tiqian) ." 23:59:59"; // if(strtotime($tiqian_start) > time()){ // echo "还没到自动订餐时间 {$dc_date} {$dc_type}
"; // continue; // } // } // echo $dc_date.' '.$dc_type."
"; // continue; // if($current_date < $deadline_time || $current_date > $meal_time){ // 当前时间 < 截止时间 || 当前时间 > 开始取餐时间 // 还没到预定截止时间 /* $err_msg[] = $log_msg = "{$dc_date}-{$dc_type_name}(截止时间:{$deadline_time} / 就餐时间:{$meal_time}),还没到截止时间,或者已开始就餐,不进行自动订餐
"; echo $log_msg; continue; */ // } // 循环用户 foreach ($user_list as $user_k => $user_v){ $cellphone = $user_v['cellphone']; // 用户设置自定义 自动订餐 if(empty($user_v['default_dc_type'])){ // 用户没有设置自动订餐 echo "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】用户没有设置自动订餐
"; continue; } $default_dc_type = explode(',', $user_v['default_dc_type']); if(!in_array($v['dc_type'], $default_dc_type)){ // 当前dc_type 用户没有设置自动订餐 echo "当前dc_type 用户没有设置自动订餐
"; continue; } $dish = array(); $user_id = $user_v['id']; $dining_hall_id = $user_v['dining_hall_id']; $user_type_id = $user_v['type_id']; // 判断该用户是否订餐(已订过餐 或 已取消过) $check_dish = $db->get_one("select * from tb_order where uid='{$user_id}' and type='1' and state_id in (3,4,6) and date_id='{$date_id}' and is_delete=0"); if($check_dish){ continue; } if($dc_type == '229'){ // 当菜品类型 是 早餐,固定从tb_date 找3个dish_type的一个菜品 生成 $dish $dish = array(); $get_dc_date_info = $db->get_all("select * from tb_date a ,tb_date_dish b where a.id=b.date_id and a.dc_date='{$dc_date}' and a.dc_type='{$dc_type}' and a.dining_hall_id='{$dining_hall_id}'"); $dish_list_id = array_column($get_dc_date_info, 'dish_id'); $dish_list_id_str = join(',', $dish_list_id); $dish = $db->get_all("select * from tb_dish where id in ({$dish_list_id_str}) and enabled='1' group by dish_type LIMIT 3"); if(count($dish) < 3){ $err_msg[] = $log_msg = "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】 {$dc_date} {$dc_type_name} 菜品类型不足,必须大于等于3个菜品"; echo $log_msg; $log_data['cellphone'] = $user_v['cellphone']; $log_data['title'] = '自动订餐'; $log_data['content'] = $log_msg; $log_data['type'] = $log_type; $log_data['user_id'] = $user_v['id']; $log_data['add_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sql_data = ""; foreach ($log_data as $data_key => $data_val){ $sql_data .= ",{$data_key}='{$data_val}'"; } $sql_data = substr($sql_data, 1, strlen($sql_data)-1); $db->query("insert into tb_jtj_ts_log set {$sql_data}"); continue; } }else{ // 进行自动订餐 $foot_type = $db->get_all("select a.*,b.default_dish_num from tb_dish_vote_foot_type a left join tb_dish_vote_foot_type_cls b on a.cls_id=b.id and a.cls_id>0 where meal_type_id='{$dc_type}' and dining_hall_id='{$dining_hall_id}' and b.id in ({$cls_ids})"); // 筛选出 两荤一素一汤 $dish_ids_arr = array(); // 已录入自定订餐菜式的份数 $default_dish_num = 0; foreach ($foot_type as $ft_k => $ft_v){ // if($ft_v['cls'] == 1 && count($dish_ids['hun']) >= 2){ // continue; // }elseif($ft_v['cls'] == 2 && count($dish_ids['su']) >= 1){ // continue; // }elseif($ft_v['cls'] == 3 && count($dish_ids['tang']) >= 1){ // continue; // } if(count($dish_ids_arr[$ft_v['cls_id']]) >= $ft_v['default_dish_num']){ // 数组的个数大于等于 限定个数 continue; } $dish_type_ids = substr($ft_v['dish_type_id'], 1, strlen($ft_v['dish_type_id']) - 2); $dish_type_ids_arr = explode(',', $dish_type_ids); // 查找对应类型的 dish // $dish_list = $db->get_all("select * from tb_dish where enabled='1' and dining_hall_id='{$dining_hall_id}' and dish_type in ({$dish_type_ids})"); $dish_list = $db->get_all("select a.total_max_num, a.book_num,b.* from tb_date_dish a left join tb_dish b on a.dish_id=b.id where b.enabled='1' and b.dining_hall_id='{$dining_hall_id}' and b.dish_type in ({$dish_type_ids}) and a.date_id='{$date_id}'"); // $count = $ft_v['default_dish_num'] - count($dish_ids_arr[$ft_v['cls_id']]); // for ($i=0;$i < $count; $i++){ // 有问题 for ($i=0;$i < count($dish_list); $i++){ // 判断菜式是否已经存满 if($ft_v['default_dish_num'] - count($dish_ids_arr[$ft_v['cls_id']]) <= 0){ break; } // 判断该菜品最多可点分数 是否已点完 if($dish_list[$i]['total_max_num'] != 0 && $dish_list[$i]['total_max_num'] <= $dish_list[$i]['book_num']){ break; } if(empty($dish_list[$i])){ break; } $dish_ids_arr[$ft_v['cls_id']][] = $dish_list[$i]; // $default_dish_num += 1; } $cls_ids_arr = array_diff($cls_ids_arr, [$ft_v['cls_id']]); $default_dish_num += $ft_v['default_dish_num']; } if(count($cls_ids_arr) > 0){ $err_msg[] = $log_msg = "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】 {$dc_date} {$dc_type_name} 菜品类型不足,必须满足2荤1素1汤
"; echo $log_msg; $log_data['cellphone'] = $user_v['cellphone']; $log_data['title'] = '自动订餐'; $log_data['content'] = $log_msg; $log_data['type'] = $log_type; $log_data['user_id'] = $user_v['id']; $log_data['add_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sql_data = ""; foreach ($log_data as $data_key => $data_val){ $sql_data .= ",{$data_key}='{$data_val}'"; } $sql_data = substr($sql_data, 1, strlen($sql_data)-1); $db->query("insert into tb_jtj_ts_log set {$sql_data}"); continue; } // 把dish_ids数组变成一维数组 $dish = array_reduce($dish_ids_arr, function ($result, $value) { // foreach ($value as $reduce_k => $reduce_v){ // // 费用翻倍 // $value[$reduce_k]['dish_price'] = $reduce_v['dish_price'] * 2; // } return array_merge($result, array_values($value)); }, array()); } // 下单 $total_price = 0; // 计算金额 foreach ($dish as $dk => $dv){ $total_price += $dv['dish_price']; } //考虑tb_meal_type_guding_price固定金额 $row = $db->get_one("select * from tb_meal_type_guding_price where company_id = '".$company_id."' and meal_type_id = '".$dc_type."' and (user_type_id=0 or user_type_id=".$user_type_id.") and (dining_hall_id=0 or dining_hall_id = ".$dining_hall_id.") order by idx"); if($row) { $total_price = $row['price']; } // 判断该用户余额是否充足 $user_balance = $db->get_one("select sum(account) account from tb_account where user_id='{$user_id}' group by user_id"); if($user_balance['account'] < $total_price){ // 判断是否今天已经记录过 $check_yu_e = $db->get_one("select * from tb_jtj_ts_log where DAY(add_time) = DAY(NOW()) and type='default_dish' and user_id='{$user_v['id']}' and content like '%余额不足%'"); if($check_yu_e){ echo "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】 余额不足,自动订餐失败,今天已记录过,跳过。
"; continue; } $err_msg[] = $log_msg = "用户:{$user_v['username']} 余额不足,自动订餐失败。"; echo "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】 余额不足,自动订餐失败。
"; $log_data['cellphone'] = $user_v['cellphone']; $log_data['title'] = '自动订餐'; $log_data['content'] = $log_msg; $log_data['type'] = $log_type; $log_data['user_id'] = $user_v['id']; $log_data['add_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sql_data = ""; foreach ($log_data as $data_key => $data_val){ $sql_data .= ",{$data_key}='{$data_val}'"; } $sql_data = substr($sql_data, 1, strlen($sql_data)-1); $db->query("insert into tb_jtj_ts_log set {$sql_data}"); continue; } $total_num = count($dish); $parent_code = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); // 生成code do { $code = date('Ymd') . $dc_type . substr(preg_replace("/[a-z]/", "", md5(rand()."_1".microtime())."0000"), 0, 4); $t_order = $db->get_one("select a.* from tb_order a where code = '{$code}'"); } while ($t_order); // 生成take_food_code do { $take_food_code = substr(preg_replace("/[a-z]/", "", md5(rand()."_".microtime())."00000000"), 0, 8); $t_order = $db->get_one("select a.* from tb_order a where take_food_code='{$take_food_code}'"); } while ($t_order); $qrcode_url = "/show/get.php?act=getQRCode&takecode=" . $take_food_code; $total = array("total_price" => $total_price, "total_num" => $total_num); if($total_num <= 0){ // if($total_num < $default_dish_num){ $log_msg = "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】 {$dc_date} {$dc_type_name} 没有可订的菜品,自定订餐失败。"; $log_data['cellphone'] = $user_v['cellphone']; $log_data['title'] = '自动订餐'; $log_data['content'] = $log_msg; $log_data['type'] = $log_type; $log_data['user_id'] = $user_v['id']; $log_data['add_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sql_data = ""; foreach ($log_data as $data_key => $data_val){ $sql_data .= ",{$data_key}='{$data_val}'"; } $sql_data = substr($sql_data, 1, strlen($sql_data)-1); $db->query("insert into tb_jtj_ts_log set {$sql_data}"); echo $log_msg; continue; } $order = array( 'code' => $code, "parent_code" => $parent_code, "state_id" => 6, "uid" => $user_id, "date_id" => $date_id, "type" => 1, "create_time" => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), "book_num" => 1, "take_num" => 0, "reason" => "自动订餐,订餐消费支付{$total['total_price']}元", "take_food_code" => $take_food_code, 'total_num' => $total['total_num'], 'total_price' => $total['total_price'], "qrcode_url" => $qrcode_url, "qrcode_path" => '', "book_fee" => 0 ); // 延迟0.01-0.6秒 $suijishu = mt_rand(1,60); usleep($suijishu * 10000); // 在判断是否已经有订单 $check_dish = $db->get_one("select * from tb_order where uid='{$user_id}' and type='1' and state_id in (3,4,6) and date_id='{$date_id}' and is_delete=0"); if($check_dish){ continue; } $db->insert("tb_order", $order); $oid = $db->insert_id(); if($oid > 0){ $rList = array(array('ac' => $total['total_price'], 'rtype' => 2, 'ftid' => $dining_hall_id, 'oid' => $oid)); foreach ($dish as $dk => $dv){ $order_detail = array("order_id" => $oid, "dish_id" => $dv['id'], "dish_amount" => 1, "dish_price" => $dv['dish_price']); // $this->Dishes_model->add_date_dish_book_num(1, $date_id, $dv['dish_id']); $db->update("tb_date_dish", array('book_num' => 'book_num+1'), "date_id='{$date_id}' and dish_id='{$dv['id']}'"); $db->insert("tb_order_detail", $order_detail); $odid = $db->insert_id(); } $date = strtotime($dc_date); $month = date('n', $date); $day = date('j', $date); $date_text = $month . '月' . $day . '日' . '(周' . cnWeek($date) . ')' . $dc_type_name; $result[] = array('order_id' => $oid, 'meal_text' => $date_text, 'take_food_code' => $order['take_food_code'], 'qr_code' => $qrcode_url, "total_price" => $total['total_price'], "total_num" => $total['total_num']); } // 结账 if($rList) { //扣费 $r = gpay_pay_user_account($user_id, $rList, $updateInfo); if($r != 'suc') { // 支付失败,删除记录 foreach ($dish as $dk => $dv){ $db->update("tb_date_dish", array('book_num' => 'book_num-1'), "date_id='{$date_id}' and dish_id='{$dv['id']}'"); } $db->delete("tb_order_detail", "order_id='{$oid}'"); $db->delete("tb_order", "id='{$oid}'"); if($r == 'yebz') { // echo "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】余额不足,下单失败,请先充值"; $err_msg[] = $log_msg = "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】余额不足,下单失败,请先充值。"; } else { $err_msg[] = $log_msg = "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】下单失败,请重试!"; // echo "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】下单失败,请重试!"; } }else{ $suc_msg[] = $log_msg = "【用户:{$user_v['username']}】{$dc_type_name} 订餐成功,订单ID:{$oid}
"; // 发推送和短信 // $check_username = $db->get_all("select * from tb_user where username in ('向熊林','霍瑞兴','张桂香','王建美','蒙秀荣','杜春梅','陆伟玲','谭婷芳','郑新浓','马绿花','莫火燕','覃金兰','张淼开','甘文盛','谢卫连','黎伟玲','黄玉娇','李亚炳','罗庆坚')"); // $check_tel = array_column($check_username, 'cellphone'); // if(in_array($cellphone, $check_tel)){ $content = "已成功为您订餐:{$dc_date} {$dc_type_name},您可进入“云中美食app-我的订单”查看。"; // 暂时停止推送 // $send_res = sendTs($cellphone, $title, $content); // $sms_res = sendSms($cellphone, $content); // } } $log_data['cellphone'] = $user_v['cellphone']; $log_data['title'] = '自动订餐'; $log_data['content'] = $log_msg; $log_data['type'] = $log_type; $log_data['user_id'] = $user_v['id']; $log_data['add_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sql_data = ""; foreach ($log_data as $data_key => $data_val){ $sql_data .= ",{$data_key}='{$data_val}'"; } $sql_data = substr($sql_data, 1, strlen($sql_data)-1); $db->query("insert into tb_jtj_ts_log set {$sql_data}"); echo $log_msg; } } } } function get_next_work_day($next_week_num = 1, $current_date = ''){ // 获取当前星期几 $week_num = date('w'); // 按照星期1-日 = 1-7 $week_num = $week_num != 0 ? $week_num : 7; // 获取相差多少天到下星期1 $differ_day = 7 - $week_num + 1; $n = 7*($next_week_num-1); $start_day = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($differ_day+$n .' day')); $end_day = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($differ_day+$n+6 .' day')); $list = array(); $day_list = array(); // 这周工作日所有日期的数组 for ($i=0; $i<5; $i++){ $date_name = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($differ_day+$n+$i .' day')); $week_name = get_week_name($date_name); $current = false; if($date_name == date('Y').'-'.$current_date){ $current = true; } if(empty($current_date) && $i == 0){ $current = true; } $day_list[] = $date_name; $list[] = array( 'exact_date' => $date_name, 'date' => substr($date_name,5), 'weekday' => $week_name, 'name' => substr($date_name.'('.$week_name.')',5), 'current' => $current ); } return array( 'start_day' => $start_day, 'end_day' => $end_day, 'list' => $list, 'day_list' => $day_list ); } function get_next_week_day($next_week_num = 1, $current_date = ''){ // 获取当前星期几 $week_num = date('w'); // 按照星期1-日 = 1-7 $week_num = $week_num != 0 ? $week_num : 7; // 获取相差多少天到下星期1 $differ_day = 7 - $week_num + 1; $n = 7*($next_week_num-1); // $start_day = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($differ_day+$n .' day')); $start_day = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 day')); $end_day = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($differ_day+$n+6 .' day')); $list = array(); $day_list = array(); // 这周工作日所有日期的数组 for ($i=0; $i<14; $i++){ $date_name = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($differ_day+$n+$i .' day')); $week_name = get_week_name($date_name); $current = false; if($date_name == date('Y').'-'.$current_date){ $current = true; } if(empty($current_date) && $i == 0){ $current = true; } $day_list[] = $date_name; $list[] = array( 'exact_date' => $date_name, 'date' => substr($date_name,5), 'weekday' => $week_name, 'name' => substr($date_name.'('.$week_name.')',5), 'current' => $current ); } return array( 'start_day' => $start_day, 'end_day' => $end_day, 'list' => $list, 'day_list' => $day_list ); } function get_week_name($day = ''){ $num = !empty($day) ? date('w', strtotime($day)) : date('w'); $arr = array("日","一","二","三","四","五","六"); return '周'.$arr[$num]; } // 投票提醒 if($act == 'vote_remind') { $log_type = "vote_remind"; $date_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // 获取今天 往后的一个星期 $next_week_arr = get_next_work_day(1); $vote_date_list = $db->get_all("select * from tb_dish_vote_date where status=1 and is_create_dishes=0 and deadline>'{$date_time}' and start_day<='{$next_week_arr['end_day']}'"); // 获取该投票菜式已经生成(截止之前) // $vote_date_list = $db->get_all("select * from tb_dish_vote_date where status=1 and is_create_dishes=1 and deadline>'{$date_time}'"); foreach ($vote_date_list as $k => $v){ $start_day = $v['start_day']; $end_day = $v['end_day']; $deadline = $v['deadline']; $add_time = $v['add_time']; // 一小时后推送 $push_time = strtotime($add_time) + (60*60*1); if(time() < $push_time){ // 还没到时间 continue; } // 判断是否已经推送过 //$check_push = $db->get_one("select * from tb_jtj_ts_log where type='{$log_type}' and vote_date_id='{$v['id']}'"); //if($check_push){ // 已经推送过 // continue; //} $dc_type = $v['dc_type']; $dc_type_name = ''; if($dc_type){ $dc_type_info = $db->get_one("select * from tb_meal_type where id='{$dc_type}'"); $dc_type_name = "({$dc_type_info['name']})"; } // 获取可以推送的用户 $user_list = $db->get_all("select * from tb_user where enabled='1' and company_id='54'"); foreach ($user_list as $user_k => $user_v){ // 判断是否已经推送过 $check_push = $db->get_one("select * from tb_jtj_ts_log where type='{$log_type}' and vote_date_id='{$v['id']}' and user_id = ".$user_v['id']); if($check_push){ // 已经推送过 continue; } // 暂时停止推送 // sendTs($user_v['cellphone'], "通知", "投票菜单{$dc_type_name}已更新,请积极参与投票(如已投票,请忽略)。"); // sendSms($user_v['cellphone'], "投票菜单{$dc_type_name}已更新,请积极参与投票(如已投票,请忽略)。"); //记录推送记录 $push_arr = array( 'user_id' => $user_v['id'], 'cellphone' => $user_v['cellphone'], 'title' => '投票提醒', 'type' => $log_type, 'vote_date_id' => $v['id'], 'content' => "【{$start_day} ~ {$end_day}】用户:{$user_v['cellphone']},投票菜单{$dc_type_name}已推送完成,vote_date_id={$v['id']}", 'add_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s') ); // $db->insert("tb_jtj_ts_log", $push_arr); // $push_id = $db->insert_id(); } } } // 生成菜谱后 1小时推送提醒订餐 if($act == 'buffet_order_remind'){ $log_type = "buffet_order_remind"; $date_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // 判断是否已经生成了菜谱 (截止之后) $vote_date_list = $db->get_all("select * from tb_dish_vote_date where status=1 and is_create_dishes=1 and deadline<='{$date_time}'"); foreach ($vote_date_list as $k => $v){ // 判断是否已经推送了 $start_day = $v['start_day']; $end_day = $v['end_day']; $deadline = $v['deadline']; // 超过7天的不提示 $last_push_time = strtotime($deadline) + (60*60*24*7); if(time() > $last_push_time){ continue; } // 判断是否已经推送过 $check_push = $db->get_one("select * from tb_jtj_ts_log where type='{$log_type}' and vote_date_id='{$v['id']}'"); // 已经推送过 if($check_push){continue;} // 判断投票截止时间 + 1小时 $push_time = strtotime($deadline) + (60*60*1); if(time() < $push_time){ // 还没到时间 continue; } $dc_type = $v['dc_type']; $dc_type_name = ''; if($dc_type){ $dc_type_info = $db->get_one("select * from tb_meal_type where id='{$dc_type}'"); $dc_type_name = "({$dc_type_info['name']})"; } // 获取可以推送的用户 $user_list = $db->get_all("select * from tb_user where enabled='1' and company_id='54'"); foreach ($user_list as $user_k => $user_v){ // 暂时停止推送 // sendTs($user_v['cellphone'], "通知", "菜单{$dc_type_name}已更新,请及时订餐(如已订餐,请忽略)。"); // sendSms($user_v['cellphone'], "菜单{$dc_type_name}已更新,请及时订餐(如已订餐,请忽略)。"); //记录推送记录 $push_arr = array( 'cellphone' => $user_v['cellphone'], 'title' => '提醒订餐', 'type' => $log_type, 'vote_date_id' => $v['id'], 'content' => "【{$start_day} ~ {$end_day}】用户:{$user_v['username']},生成菜单{$dc_type_name}后提醒订餐已完成", 'add_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s') ); // $db->insert("tb_jtj_ts_log", $push_arr); // $push_id = $db->insert_id(); } } } // 生日餐提醒 if($act == 'birth_meal_remind'){ $log_type = 'birth_meal_remind'; $date_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $year = date('Y'); // 获取所有用户 $user_list = $db->get_all("select * from tb_user where enabled='1' and company_id='54' and (birthday is not null or birthday!='')"); foreach ($user_list as $k => $v){ if(empty(trim($v['birthday']))){ // 防止设置生日是空格 continue; } // 判断这个人今年是否提醒了 $check_push = $db->get_one("select * from tb_jtj_ts_log where type='{$log_type}' and user_id='{$v['id']}' and DATE_FORMAT(add_time,'%Y') = '{$year}'"); if($check_push){ continue; } // 今年生日时间 - 48小时 提醒 $birth_remind_time = strtotime($year.'-'.$v['birthday']) - (60*60*48); if(time() < $birth_remind_time){ // 还没到生日提醒 continue; } // 生日提醒结束时间 $birth_remind_end_time = strtotime($year.'-'.$v['birthday']) - (60*60*15); if(time() > $birth_remind_end_time){ continue; } // 生日提醒 // 暂时停止推送 // sendTs($v['cellphone'], "通知", "您有生日餐可订,请及时进入【云中美食】订餐(如已订餐,请忽略)。"); // sendSms($v['cellphone'], "您有生日餐可订,请及时进入【云中美食】订餐(如已订餐,请忽略)。"); //记录推送记录 $push_arr = array( 'cellphone' => $v['cellphone'], 'title' => '生日餐提醒', 'type' => $log_type, 'user_id' => $v['id'], 'content' => "【用户:{$v['username']}】生日餐已提醒", 'add_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s') ); // $db->insert("tb_jtj_ts_log", $push_arr); // $push_id = $db->insert_id(); } } //header("Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); if($act == 'tuikuan'){ $dining_hall_id = $_GET['dining_hall_id']; $date_id = $_GET['date_id']; $user_id = $_GET['user_id']; if(empty($dining_hall_id) || empty($date_id)){ echo "参数不能为空"; exit; } function get_user_by_phone2($cellphone) { global $db; $row = $db->get_one("select a.*,b.name type_name from tb_user a, tb_user_type b where a.type_id = b.id and (cellphone = '{$cellphone}' or username='{$cellphone}') and a.enabled not in (0, -99)"); if(!$row) return null; if(is_jdpw2($row['password'])) { $row['jdmm'] = 1; } else { $row['jdmm'] = 0; } $row1 = $db->get_one("select * from tb_config where class = 'ONLY_CASH_AREA'"); $cash_fund = 0; if($row1) { $v = trim($row1['value'], ","); if(in_array($row['area_id'], explode(',', $v))) $cash_fund = 1; } $row['cash_fund'] = $cash_fund; return $row; } // $sql = "select a.* from tb_order a left join tb_date b on a.date_id=b.id where b.dining_hall_id='{$dining_hall_id}' and a.date_id='{$date_id}' and a.state_id=6 and a.type=1"; $where_user_id = ""; if($user_id){ $where_user_id = " and a.uid='{$user_id}' "; }else{ $where_user_id = " and DATE(a.create_time) = DATE(now()) "; } $sql = "select a.* from tb_order a left join tb_date b on a.date_id=b.id where b.dining_hall_id='{$dining_hall_id}' and a.date_id='{$date_id}' and a.state_id=6 and a.type=1 {$where_user_id}"; $info = $db->get_all($sql); if(empty($info)){ echo "暂没有可退订单
"; exit; } $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $protocol = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off' || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443) ? "https://" : "http://"; foreach ($info as $k => $v){ $user_id = $v['uid']; if(empty($user_id)){ echo "order_id='{$v['id']}',用户ID:'{$user_id}' 的uid为空,无法退餐
"; continue; } // 获取用户token $getToken = $db->get_one("select * from tb_session where uid='{$user_id}' order by expire_time desc"); if(empty($getToken)){ // 没有token信息,自己生成 $token = md5(uniqid()); $user_info = $db->get_one("select * from tb_user where id='{$user_id}'"); $user = get_user_by_phone2($user_info['cellphone']); $set = "token='{$token}', ip='".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."', login_time='".time()."', data='".addslashes(json_encode($user))."', expire_time='".(time()+86400)."'"; $row = $db->get_one("select * from tb_session where uid=".$user_id); if($row) { $db->query("update tb_session set {$set} where uid=".$user_id); } else { $db->query("insert into tb_session set {$set}, uid=".$user_id); } $getToken = $db->get_one("select * from tb_session where uid='{$user_id}' order by expire_time desc"); // echo "order_id='{$v['id']}',用户ID:'{$user_id}' 的token获取失败,无法退餐
"; // continue; } if($getToken['expire_time'] < time()){ // token过期 $expire_time = time()+60; $db->query("update tb_session set expire_time='{$expire_time}' where uid='{$getToken['uid']}' and token='{$getToken['token']}'"); } $post_data = array( 'token' => $getToken['token'], 'order_id' => $v['id'], 'cancel_price' => $v['total_price'], ); $res = gquery("{$protocol}{$host}/api/order/cancel/", $post_data); $res = json_decode($res, 1); echo "order_id='{$v['id']}',用户ID:'{$user_id}' {$res['message']}
"; } } if($act == 'repeat_tc') { // $user_id = $_GET['user_id']; $check = $_GET['check']; $dining_hall_id = 174; if ($check) { $user_dc_all = $db->get_all("select * from (select GROUP_CONCAT(a.id) order_ids, COUNT(a.code) total_code,a.uid from tb_order a, tb_date b where a.date_id=b.id and b.dining_hall_id={$dining_hall_id} and a.state_id=6 and a.date_id>0 and a.is_delete=0 and a.uid>0 and a.create_time BETWEEN '2021-08-08 00:00:00' and '2021-08-10 23:00:00' GROUP BY a.uid,a.date_id) as c where total_code>=2"); echo "
        echo "
"; exit; } // if (empty($user_id)) { // echo "参数不能为空"; // exit; // } function get_user_by_phone2($cellphone) { global $db; $row = $db->get_one("select a.*,b.name type_name from tb_user a, tb_user_type b where a.type_id = b.id and (cellphone = '{$cellphone}' or username='{$cellphone}') and a.enabled not in (0, -99)"); if (!$row) return null; if (is_jdpw2($row['password'])) { $row['jdmm'] = 1; } else { $row['jdmm'] = 0; } $row1 = $db->get_one("select * from tb_config where class = 'ONLY_CASH_AREA'"); $cash_fund = 0; if ($row1) { $v = trim($row1['value'], ","); if (in_array($row['area_id'], explode(',', $v))) $cash_fund = 1; } $row['cash_fund'] = $cash_fund; return $row; } $user_dc_all_arr = $db->get_all(" select * from (select GROUP_CONCAT(a.id) order_ids, COUNT(a.code) total_code,a.uid from tb_order a, tb_date b where a.date_id=b.id and b.dining_hall_id={$dining_hall_id} and a.state_id=6 and a.date_id>0 and a.is_delete=0 and a.uid>0 and a.create_time BETWEEN '2021-08-08 00:00:00' and '2021-08-10 23:00:00' GROUP BY a.uid,a.date_id) as c where total_code>=2"); // foreach ($user_dc_all_arr as $dc_k => $user_dc_all) { foreach ($user_dc_all_arr as $dc_k => $info) { $order_ids = $info['order_ids']; $user_id = $info['uid']; echo "当前用户今天有order_id数量超过1个:" . $order_ids . "
"; $order_id_arr = explode(',', $order_ids); foreach ($order_id_arr as $k => $v) { if ($k == 0) { echo "order_id:{$v},保留。
"; continue; } echo "退餐:order_id:{$v}。
"; // 获取用户token $getToken = $db->get_one("select * from tb_session where uid='{$user_id}' order by expire_time desc"); if (empty($getToken)) { // 没有token信息,自己生成 $token = md5(uniqid()); $user_info = $db->get_one("select * from tb_user where id='{$user_id}'"); $user = get_user_by_phone2($user_info['cellphone']); $set = "token='{$token}', ip='" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "', login_time='" . time() . "', data='" . addslashes(json_encode($user)) . "', expire_time='" . (time() + 86400) . "'"; $row = $db->get_one("select * from tb_session where uid=" . $user_id); if ($row) { $db->query("update tb_session set {$set} where uid=" . $user_id); } else { $db->query("insert into tb_session set {$set}, uid=" . $user_id); } $getToken = $db->get_one("select * from tb_session where uid='{$user_id}' order by expire_time desc"); // echo "order_id='{$v['id']}',用户ID:'{$user_id}' 的token获取失败,无法退餐
"; // continue; } if ($getToken['expire_time'] < time()) { // token过期 $expire_time = time() + 60; $db->query("update tb_session set expire_time='{$expire_time}' where uid='{$getToken['uid']}' and token='{$getToken['token']}'"); } $order_info = $db->get_one("select * from tb_order where id='{$v}'"); $post_data = array( 'token' => $getToken['token'], 'order_id' => $order_info['id'], 'cancel_price' => $order_info['total_price'], ); $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $protocol = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off' || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443) ? "https://" : "http://"; $res = gquery("{$protocol}{$host}/api/order/cancel/", $post_data); $res = json_decode($res, 1); echo "order_id='{$order_info['id']}',用户ID:'{$user_id}' {$res['message']}
"; echo "--------------------------------------------------
"; } } } // 定时脚本,当天围餐的菜品都撤掉,然后自动插入餐标菜式,以便实现:当日预定按照人头固定金额,20,30,40这三个金额 if($act == 'baojian'){ $company_id = '4151'; // 固定餐标的类型 $meal_label_type = "898"; $dining_hall_id = "305"; // 获取今天围餐的所有订单 // $today = date('Y-m-d'); $today = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(date('Y-m-d'). ' +1 day')); $dateInfo = $db->get_all("select a.*, b.name as meal_type_name from tb_date a,tb_meal_type b where a.dc_type=b.id and a.dc_date='{$today}' and a.dining_hall_id='{$dining_hall_id}' and b.mealtype=6 and b.status=1 order by b.idx desc"); if(empty($dateInfo)){ echo "今天没有包间"; exit; } foreach ($dateInfo as $k => $v){ // 把tb_date_dish的菜品数量改为0,然后插入餐标菜式 $date_id = $v['id']; // 获取当前菜谱的所有菜品(不含固定餐标) $dish_list = $db->get_all("select a.*, b.dish_type from tb_date_dish a, tb_dish b where a.dish_id=b.id and b.dish_type!='{$meal_label_type}' and a.date_id='{$date_id}' and b.enabled=1"); // 获取需要更新的菜品id $dish_ids = array_column($dish_list, 'dish_id'); $dish_ids = join(',', $dish_ids); $db->query("update tb_date_dish set total_max_num = book_num where date_id=".$date_id." and dish_id in ({$dish_ids})"); //对于book_num = 0的,也更新为不可以订了 $db->query("update tb_date_dish set total_max_num = 1,book_num = 1 where date_id=".$date_id." and book_num = 0 and total_max_num = 0 and dish_id in ({$dish_ids})"); // 然后添加餐标菜式 // 判断是否已经有餐标菜式 $has_meal_label = $db->get_one("select * from tb_date_dish a, tb_dish b where a.dish_id=b.id and b.dish_type='{$meal_label_type}' and a.date_id='{$date_id}' and b.enabled=1"); if(empty($has_meal_label)){ // 当前菜谱没有餐标菜式,添加 $meal_label_list = $db->get_all("select * from tb_dish where enabled=1 and dish_type='{$meal_label_type}' and dining_hall_id='{$dining_hall_id}' order by id asc"); foreach ($meal_label_list as $mk => $mv){ $insert_data = array( 'date_id' => $date_id, 'dish_id' => $mv['id'], 'max_num'=> 1000, 'is_normal_dish'=>1, 'total_max_num'=> 0, 'idx' => 0, 'book_type' => 1, 'book_num'=> 0, ); $db->insert("tb_date_dish", $insert_data); } } } }