get_all("select * from tb_lfyy_park order by id"); $list = array(); $places = array(); foreach($data as $item) { $place = $item['place']; $places[$place] = 1; unset($item['place']); $list[$place][] = $item; } $list2 = array(); foreach($places as $place => $v) { $list2[] = array( 'place' => $place, 'park_list' => $list[$place], ); } echoRs(1, 'ok', array('parks' => $list2)); exit; }*/ $xqInfo = array('0' => '日', '1' => '一', '2' => '二', '3' => '三', '4' => '四', '5' => '五', '6' => '六',); $order_statusInfo = array( 0 => '已下单', 1 => '已理发', 2 => '已取消', ); if($act == 'lfyy_get_parks') { $user = check_token(); $uid = $user['id']; $company_id = $user['company_id']; $dining_hall_id = $user['dining_hall_id']; //$park_id = intval($_GET["park_id"]); //if($park_id <= 0) exit; //$parkInfo = $db->get_one("select * from tb_lfyy_park where id=". $park_id); //if(!$parkInfo) exit; $bookList = array(); $bookList = array( array( 'id' => '5', 'name' => '洗吹(20美发币)', ), array( 'id' => '3', 'name' => '洗剪吹(30美发币)', )); $lfaccountList = $db->get_one("select a.* from tb_account a WHERE supplier_id =119 and user_id = ".$uid); $partList = $db->get_all("select * from tb_lfyy_park where company_id='{$company_id}' and dining_hall_id like'%{$dining_hall_id}%' and enabled = 1 order by id"); $tList = $db->get_all("select * from tb_lfyy_times where company_id='{$company_id}' order by start_time "); $holidayList = $db->get_all("select * from tb_lfyy_holiday where status=1 order by id "); $list = array(); $places = array(); foreach($partList as $item) { $place = $item['place']; $places[$place] = 1; unset($item['place']); $list[$place][] = $item; } $all = array(); foreach($places as $place => $v) { $partList = $list[$place]; $days = array(); for($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $dateInfo = array(); $time = strtotime("+{$i} day"); // $time =strtotime("+{$i} day",strtotime("2023-04-03")); $date = date('Y-m-d', $time); $xq = date('w', $time); $dateInfo['xq'] = "周".$xqInfo[$xq]; //判断是不是假期 $isho = $db->get_one("select * from tb_holidays where year = '".date('Y',$time)."' and day = '".date('m-d',$time)."'"); if ($isho){ if ($isho['type'] == 1)$xq = 0; if ($isho['type'] == 2)$xq = 1; } if (empty($isho)) $isho['type'] == 1; $dateInfo['date'] = $date; $times = array(); foreach($tList as $item2) { if($xq == 0 || $xq == 6){if ($item2['end_time'] > '17:40') continue;} else if ($item2['start_time'] < '12:00') continue; $start_time = $item2['start_time']; $end_time = $item2['end_time']; $start_time_date = $date." ".$start_time; $time_id = $item2['id']; if(strtotime($start_time_date) - time() < 300) continue; $timeInfo = array('time_id' => $time_id, 'start_time' => $start_time, 'end_time' => $end_time); $parks = array(); foreach($partList as $item1) { $park_id = $item1['id']; $status = 1; $status_name = '可预订'; if(strtotime($start_time_date) - time() < 300) { $status = 4; $status_name = '已过期'; continue; } else { foreach ($holidayList as $h_k =>$h_v){ if($date == $h_v['day'] && $time_id == $h_v['time_id'] && $park_id == $h_v['park_id']){ $status = 5; $status_name = '休假中'; break; } } if($status != 5){ $rows = $db->get_all("select * from tb_lfyy_order where company_id='{$company_id}' and park_id = {$park_id} and time_id = {$time_id} and `date` = '{$date}' and status != 2"); // 判断是否含有自己的预约 $orderUserId = array_column($rows, 'uid'); if(in_array($uid, $orderUserId)){ // 含有自己 $status = 2; $status_name = '已预订'; }elseif(count($rows) >= 1){ $status = 3; $status_name = '预订已满'; continue; }else{ $status = 1; $status_name = '可预订'; } // $row = $db->get_one("select * from tb_lfyy_order where company_id='{$company_id}' and park_id = {$park_id} and time_id = {$time_id} and `date` = '{$date}' and status != 2"); // if($row) { // if($row['uid'] == $uid) $status = 2; // else $status = 3; // $status_name = '已预订'; // } } } $parks[] = array('park_id' => $park_id, 'park_name' => $item1['name'], 'status' => $status, 'status_name' => $status_name, 'fee' => $item1['fee'],'lf_phone' => $item1['cellphone']); } $timeInfo['parts'] = $parks; $times[] = $timeInfo; } if(empty($times)){ continue; } $dateInfo['times'] = $times; $days[] = $dateInfo; } $info1 = array('place' => $place, 'days' => $days); $all[] = $info1; } /* $partList = $list[$place]; $timesList = array(); for($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+{$i} day")); foreach($partList as $item1) { $times = array(); foreach($tList as $item2) { $start_time = $item2['start_time']; $end_time = $item2['end_time']; $status = 1; $status_name = '可预订'; $start_time_date = $date." ".$start_time; if(strtotime($start_time_date) - time() < 300) { $status = 3; $status_name = '已过期'; } else { } $times[] = array('start_time' => $start_time, 'end_time' => $end_time, 'status' => $status, 'status_name' => $status_name, 'status_name' => $status_name); } } $timesList[] = array('date' => $date, 'times' => $times); } */ //echo json_encode($all);exit; if (!isset($lfaccountList['account'])) $lfaccount = 0; else $lfaccount = $lfaccountList['account']; $userInfo = $db->get_one("select * from tb_user where id='{$uid}'"); echoRs(1, 'ok', array('data' => array('list' => $all, 'user' => array('username' => $userInfo['username'], 'cellphone' => $userInfo['cellphone'] , 'account' => $lfaccount ) ,'bookList' => $bookList))); exit; } if($act == 'lfyy_add_order') { $user = check_token(); $uid = $user['id']; $area_id = $user['area_id']; $company_id = $user['company_id']; $date = trim($_POST["date"]); $park_id = intval($_POST["park_id"]); $time_id = intval($_POST["time_id"]); $username = trim($_POST["username"]); $cellphone = trim($_POST["cellphone"]); $yy_type = trim($_POST["yy_type"]); /*$date = '2020-09-04'; $park_id = '1'; $time_id = '3'; $cph = '粤ESG180';*/ $dateList = $db->get_all("select * from tb_lfyy_order where status != 2 and uid = '{$uid}' and date like '".date('Y-m')."%'"); // if (count($dateList)>= 2){ // echoRs(0, '本月预约次数已满!'); // } if($date == '' || $park_id <= 0 || $time_id <= 0 || $username == '' || $cellphone == '' || $yy_type == '') { echoRs(0, '参数不完整!'); } if(strlen($cellphone) != 11){ echoRs(0, '请输入正确的手机号!'); } if(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date)) != $date) { echoRs(0, '日期格式错误!'); } $parkInfo = $db->get_one("select * from tb_lfyy_park where company_id='{$company_id}' and id=". $park_id); if(!$parkInfo) { echoRs(0, 'park_id不存在!'); } $timeInfo = $db->get_one("select * from tb_lfyy_times where company_id='{$company_id}' and id = ". $time_id); if(!$timeInfo) { echoRs(0, 'time_id不存在!'); } // 判断该理发师是否休假 $checkHoliday = $db->get_one("select * from tb_lfyy_holiday where park_id='{$park_id}' and time_id='{$time_id}' and day='{$date}' and status=1"); if($checkHoliday){ echoRs(0, '该理发师正在休假中,不能预约!'); } $start_time = $timeInfo['start_time']; $end_time = $timeInfo['end_time']; $fee = $parkInfo['fee']; $datetime = $date." ".$start_time; if(strtotime($datetime) - time() < 300) { echoRs(0, '该时间段已过期!'); } $rows = $db->get_all("select * from tb_lfyy_order where company_id='{$company_id}' and park_id = {$park_id} and time_id = {$time_id} and `date` = '{$date}' and status != 2"); // 判断是否含有自己的预约 $orderUserId = array_column($rows, 'uid'); if(in_array($uid, $orderUserId)){ // 含有自己 echoRs(0, "你已预约过,无需重复预约"); }elseif(count($rows) >= 1){ echoRs(0, "该理发师{$start_time} - {$end_time}时间段已被人预定!请换个时间段!"); } // 判断当前地点,当前时间段是否已经预约过,不能同一时间段预约多次 $park_place_list = $db->get_all("select * from tb_lfyy_park where place='{$parkInfo['place']}' and company_id='{$company_id}'"); $park_ids = array_column($park_place_list, 'id'); $park_ids = join(',', $park_ids); $checkRepeat = $db->get_one("select * from tb_lfyy_order where company_id='{$company_id}' and park_id in ({$park_ids}) and time_id = {$time_id} and `date` = '{$date}' and uid = '{$uid}' and status != 2"); if($checkRepeat >= 1){ echoRs(0, "{$start_time} - {$end_time}时间段,已被预定!"); } // require_once("include/"); /*$recharge = array("order_id" => $oid, "type" => 6, "result" => 1, "user_area_id" => $user['area_id'], 'ftid' => '1005'); $r = gpay_update_user_account_one($uid, '-', $fee, 0, $recharge, 'all');*/ $payInfo = array( 'kkfrom' => 'fl', 'rtype' => '7', 'supplier_id' => 119, ); if ($yy_type == 5) $count = 20; if ($yy_type == 3) $count = 30; // $r = gpay_pay_user_account_one($uid, $fee, $payInfo); // if($r != 'suc') { // $db->query("delete from tb_lfyy_order where id=".$oid); // echoRs(0, '扣款失败!'); // } // if ($uid == 18151 || $uid == 15789 || $uid == 20542 ){ //小岛理发扣费功能 $r = gpay_pay_user_account_one($uid, floatval($count), $payInfo); if ($r == 'suc') { $db->query("insert into tb_lfyy_order set uid = '-{$uid}', park_id = '{$park_id}', time_id = '{$time_id}', `date` = '{$date}', username = '{$username}', cellphone = '{$cellphone}', fee = {$fee}, status = '0', addtime = now(), company_id='{$company_id}', yy_type='{$yy_type}'"); $oid = $db->insert_id(); $db->query("update tb_lfyy_order set uid = '{$uid}' where id=".$oid); $admin = $db->get_one("select * from tb_admin where id = 4413"); $user = $db->get_one("select * from tb_user where id = ".$uid); $cellphone = $admin['cellphone']; $text = "用户:".$user['username']." 已成功预约了。 ".$parkInfo['place']."理发店的".$parkInfo['name']."预约日期是 {$date},预约时间为 {$start_time} - {$end_time}。"; send_sms($cellphone,$text); echoRs(1, "预订理发师 ".$parkInfo['place'].$parkInfo['name']." {$start_time} - {$end_time}时间段,使用了{$count}发币!"); }else{ echoRs(1, "预订理发师 ".$parkInfo['place'].$parkInfo['name']." {$start_time} - {$end_time}时间段,预约失败!"); } // }else{ // $db->query("insert into tb_lfyy_order set uid = '-{$uid}', park_id = '{$park_id}', time_id = '{$time_id}', `date` = '{$date}', username = '{$username}', cellphone = '{$cellphone}', fee = {$fee}, status = '0', addtime = now(), company_id='{$company_id}', yy_type='{$yy_type}'"); // $oid = $db->insert_id(); // $db->query("update tb_lfyy_order set uid = '{$uid}' where id=".$oid); // $admin = $db->get_one("select * from tb_admin where id = 4413"); // $user = $db->get_one("select * from tb_user where id = ".$uid); // $cellphone = $admin['cellphone']; // $text = "用户:".$user['username']." 已成功预约了。 ".$parkInfo['place']."理发店的".$parkInfo['name']."预约日期是 {$date},预约时间为 {$start_time} - {$end_time}。"; // send_sms($cellphone,$text); // echoRs(1, "预订理发师 ".$parkInfo['place'].$parkInfo['name']." {$start_time} - {$end_time}时间段,预约成功!"); // } //小岛理发扣费功能 // $r = gpay_pay_user_account_one($uid, floatval($count), $payInfo); // if ($r == 'suc') { // $db->query("update tb_lfyy_order set uid = '{$uid}' where id=".$oid); // $admin = $db->get_one("select * from tb_admin where id = 4413"); // $user = $db->get_one("select * from tb_user where id = ".$uid); // $cellphone = $admin['cellphone']; // $text = "用户:".$user['username']." 已成功预约了。 ".$parkInfo['place']."理发店的".$parkInfo['name']."预约日期是 {$date},预约时间为 {$start_time} - {$end_time}。"; // send_sms($cellphone,$text); // echoRs(1, "预订理发师 ".$parkInfo['place'].$parkInfo['name']." {$start_time} - {$end_time}时间段,使用了{$count}发币!"); // }else{ // echoRs(1, "预订理发师 ".$parkInfo['place'].$parkInfo['name']." {$start_time} - {$end_time}时间段,预约失败!"); // } } if($act == 'lfyy_cancel_order') { $user = check_token(); $uid = $user['id']; $company_id = $user['company_id']; $order_id = intval($_POST["order_id"]); $orderInfo = $db->get_one("select a.*,,, c.start_time, c.end_time from tb_lfyy_order a, tb_lfyy_park b, tb_lfyy_times c where and and a.company_id='{$company_id}' and = '{$order_id}'"); if(!$orderInfo) { echoRs(0, '订单不存在!'); } if($orderInfo['status'] == 1) { echoRs(0, '该订单已完成,不能取消!'); } if($orderInfo['status'] == 2) { echoRs(0, '该订单已取消过,不能重复取消!'); } if($orderInfo['status'] != 0) { echoRs(0, '取消失败!'); } //判断退回金额 3洗剪吹,5洗吹发 // if ($uid == 18151 || $uid == 15789 || $uid == 20542 ) { if ($orderInfo['yy_type'] == 5) $count = 20; if ($orderInfo['yy_type'] == 3) $count = 30; // }else $count = 0; $orderDate = $orderInfo['date']; $datetime = $orderInfo['date']." ". $orderInfo['start_time']; // if(strtotime($datetime) - time() < 30) { // echo "
//    var_dump(time() - strtotime($datetime)  < 600 && $orderDate == date("Y-m-d"));
//    echo "
"; // exit(); $payInfo = array( 'rtype' => 8, 'ac_type' => 1, 'supplier_id' => 119, ); if(strtotime($datetime) + 600 < time() && $orderDate == date("Y-m-d")) { // echo "
//	    print_r($order_id);
//	    echo "
"; $db->query("update tb_lfyy_order set status= 1 where id=".$order_id); echoRs(0, '已过到理发时间,不能取消!'); } $r = gpay_add_user_account_uid($uid, floatval($count), $payInfo); if ($r == 'suc') { $db->query("update tb_lfyy_order set status=2 where id=".$order_id); echoRs(1, '取消订单成功!'); }else echoRs(1, '取消订单失败!'); // require_once("include/"); /*$recharge = array("order_id" => $order_id, "type" => 8, "result" => 1, "user_area_id" => $user['area_id'], 'ftid' => '1005'); $r = gpay_update_user_account_one($uid, '+', $orderInfo['fee'], 0, $recharge, 'all');*/ // $r = gpay_refund_user_account(6, $order_id, 8, 0, 0, $uid); // // if($r != 'suc') { // echoRs(0, '取消失败!'); // } // $db->query("update tb_lfyy_order set status=2 where id=".$order_id); // echoRs(1, '取消订单成功!'); } if($act == 'lfyy_order_list') { $user = check_token(); $uid = $user['id']; $company_id = $user['company_id']; $page = intval($_REQUEST['page']); $pagesize = intval($_REQUEST['pagesize']); $page = max($page, 1); if($pagesize <= 0) $pagesize = 10; $start = ($page-1)*$pagesize; $count = intval($db->get_colume("select count(*) as c from tb_lfyy_order where company_id='{$company_id}' and uid = {$uid} ")); $pagecount = ceil($count/$pagesize); $list = $db->get_all("select a.*,,, c.start_time, c.end_time from tb_lfyy_order a, tb_lfyy_park b, tb_lfyy_times c where a.company_id='{$company_id}' and a.uid='{$uid}' and and order by desc limit {$start},{$pagesize}"); foreach($list as $key => $item) { $status = $item['status']; $list[$key]['status_name'] = $order_statusInfo[$status]; $xq = date('w', strtotime($item['date'])); $list[$key]['xq'] = "周".$xqInfo[$xq]; $can_cancel = 0; $datetime = $item['date']." ". $item['start_time']; if($status == 0) { if(strtotime($datetime) + 600 >= time()) { $can_cancel = 1; } } $list[$key]['can_cancel'] = $can_cancel; // 脱敏 $list[$key]['username'] = cutName($item['username']); $list[$key]['cellphone'] = cutName($item['cellphone'], 'cellphone'); } echoRs(1, "ok ", array('data' => array('list' => $list, 'count' => $count, 'pagecount' => $pagecount))); } if($act == 'lfyy_get_parks_screen') { $user = check_token(); $uid = $user['id']; $company_id = $user['company_id']; $partList = $db->get_all("select * from tb_lfyy_park where company_id='{$company_id}' order by id"); $list = array(); $places = array(); foreach($partList as $item) { $place = $item['place']; $places[$place] = 1; unset($item['place']); $list[$place][] = $item; } $list2 = array(); foreach($list as $key => $item) { $list2[] = array( 'place' => $key, 'parts' => $item, ); } echoRs(1, "ok ", array('data' => array('part_list' => $list2))); } if($act == 'lfyy_get_parks_order_screen') { $user = check_token(); $uid = $user['id']; $company_id = $user['company_id']; $park_id = intval($_REQUEST["park_id"]); if($park_id <= 0) { echoRs(0, '参数不完整!'); } $parkInfo = $db->get_one("select * from tb_lfyy_park where company_id='{$company_id}' and id=". $park_id); if(!$parkInfo) { echoRs(0, 'park_id不存在!'); } $order_list = $db->get_all("select a.*, b.start_time, b.end_time, b.fee from tb_lfyy_order a, tb_lfyy_times b where a.company_id='{$company_id}' and and a.status = '0' and a.park_id = '{$park_id}' and a.`date` = '".date("Y-m-d")."' and end_time >= '".date("H:i")."' order by start_time"); echoRs(1, "ok ", array('data' => array('order_list' => $order_list))); }