get_one("show tables like 'tb_show_get_log'"); if($chk_server_log_table){ $request = serialize($_REQUEST); $sql = "insert into tb_show_get_log set act = '".$act."', ip = '".addslashes($ip)."', request = '".addslashes($request)."', record_datetime = now()"; $db->query($sql); } //} if($act == 'getTakeCount') { $hids = array(1 => '信息大厦饭堂', 2 => '魁奇饭堂'); $d = date("Y-m-d"); $data = array(); foreach($hids as $hid => $hname) { $st = strtotime($d." 11:30:00"); $et = strtotime($d." 13:00:00"); $x = array(); $y = array(); while($st < $et) { $st1 = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $st); $st += 300; $et1 = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $st-1); $sql = "select count(*) from tb_order a,tb_date b where a.date_id = and b.dining_hall_id={$hid} and type=1 and take_food_time >= '{$st1}' and take_food_time <= '{$et1}' and state_id=3"; $c = $db->get_colume($sql); /*$x[] = array( 'start_time' => $st1, 'end_time' => $et1, 'take_count' => $c, );*/ if(count($x)%2 == 0) $x[] = substr($st1, 11, 5); else $x[] = ''; $y[] = $c; } //$x[count($x)-1] = substr($st1, 11, 5); $data[] = array('ftid' => $hid, 'ftname' => $hname,'x' => $x, 'y' => $y, 'title' => date("n")."月".date("j")."日"); } echo json_encode($data); } if($act == 'getQRCode') { $takecode = trim($_GET['takecode']); if(!$takecode) exit; $px = trim($_GET['px']); if($px){ $size = $px*(1/29); }else{ $size = 7; } $original = trim($_GET['original']); if($original == '1'){ // 用原来的数据 $data = $takecode; }else{ // 拼接,原来的付款码 $data = getEncodeStr($takecode); } require 'include/qrcode/qrlib.php'; $t = "qr_".time()."_".rand().".png"; QRcode::png($data, $t, 'L',$size , 0); header("Content-Type: image/png"); echo file_get_contents($t); @unlink($t); exit; } if($act == 'wxpay_unifiedorder') { $type = $_GET['type']; $isjsapi = ($type == 'jsapi' || strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MicroMessenger')); $user = check_token(); $uid = $user['id']; //$uid = 3; $total_fee = round(floatval($_GET['total_fee'])*100); if($total_fee <= 0) exit; $company_id = $user['company_id']; if(!$company_id) exit; $cInfo = $db->get_one("select * from tb_company where id=". $company_id); if(!$cInfo) exit; $wxpay_mch_id = $cInfo['wxpay_mch_id']; $wxpay_appid = $cInfo['wxpay_appid']; $wxpay_key = $cInfo['wxpay_key']; $wxpay_sub_mch_id = $cInfo['wxpay_sub_mch_id']; if(!$wxpay_mch_id || !$wxpay_appid || !$wxpay_key) { echoRs(0, '不支持微信支付!'); } $openid = ''; if($isjsapi) { $openid = $user['weixin_openid']; if(!$openid) { echoRs(0, '非微信注册用户!不能使用公众号支付!'); } } $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $protocol = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off' || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443) ? "https://" : "http://"; //$row = $db->get_one("select * from tb_recharge_pay_weixin where uid={$uid} and state=0 and total_fee=".($total_fee/100)." and addtime>'".date('YmdHis', time()-300)."'"); if(false) { $prepay_id = $row['prepay_id']; $code = $row['code']; $mweb_url = $row['mweb_url']; } else { $code = get_code('tb_recharge_pay_weixin', 'code', 12, 'num', "FTDC".date("Ymd")); $time_expire = date("YmdHis", time()+600); $data = array(); $data['appid'] = $wxpay_appid; $data['body'] = '订餐系统-充值'.($total_fee/100)."元"; $data['mch_id'] = $wxpay_mch_id; $data['nonce_str'] = md5(time()."_".rand()); $data['notify_url'] = ""; $data['out_trade_no'] = $code; $data['spbill_create_ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $data['total_fee'] = $total_fee; $data['time_expire'] = $time_expire; $trade_type = $isjsapi?'JSAPI':'MWEB';; $data['trade_type'] = $trade_type; if($openid) $data['openid'] = $openid; if($wxpay_sub_mch_id) $data['sub_mch_id'] = $wxpay_sub_mch_id; ksort($data); $s1 = ''; foreach($data as $key => $item) { if($s1 != '') $s1 .= "&"; $s1 .= $key."=".$item; } $s1 .= "&key=".$wxpay_key; $sign = strtoupper(md5($s1)); $xml = "\n"; foreach($data as $key => $item) { $xml .= "\t<{$key}>{$item}\n"; } $xml .= "\t".$sign."\n"; $xml .= "\n"; $prepay_id = ''; $c = gquery("", $xml);//echo $xml;exit; if($c) { preg_match("/(.+)<\/prepay_id>/i", $c, $m); if($m[1]) { $prepay_id = str_replace(array(''), '', $m[1]); $mweb_url = ''; preg_match("/(.+)<\/mweb_url>/i", $c, $m); if($m[1]) { $mweb_url = str_replace(array(''), '', $m[1]); } $code_url = ''; preg_match("/(.+)<\/code_url>/i", $c, $m); if($m[1]) { $code_url = str_replace(array(''), '', $m[1]); } } } if(!$prepay_id) { echoRs(0, '下单失败!请重试1!'); } //临时增加redirect_url $ua = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if(!stristr($ua, "android")) $mweb_url.= "&redirect_url=".urlencode($protocol.$host."/m/wx.html"); $sql = "insert into tb_recharge_pay_weixin set code='{$code}', trade_type='{$trade_type}', uid={$uid}, prepay_id='{$prepay_id}', mweb_url='".addslashes($mweb_url)."', total_fee=".($total_fee/100).", time_expire='{$time_expire}', state=0, addtime=now()"; //echo $sql; $db->query($sql, 'SILENT'); if($db->affected_rows() != 1) { echoRs(0, '下单失败!请重试2!'); } } $data = array(); if($isjsapi) { $return_url = "".$code; $sign = md5($prepay_id."_".date("Y-m-d")."_vfj389umk9o3"); $data['mweb_url'] = "".urlencode($prepay_id)."&return_url=".urlencode($return_url)."&sign=".$sign; } else { $data['mweb_url'] = $mweb_url; } $data['code'] = $code; echoRs(1, 'ok', array('data' => $data)); exit; } if($act == 'applet_unifiedorder') { $type = $_GET['type']; $isjsapi = ($type == 'jsapi' || strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MicroMessenger')); $user = check_token(); $uid = $user['id']; //$uid = 3; $total_fee = round(floatval($_GET['total_fee'])*100); if($total_fee <= 0) exit; $company_id = $user['company_id']; if(!$company_id) exit; $cInfo = $db->get_one("select * from tb_company where id=". $company_id); if(!$cInfo) exit; $applet_appid = $cInfo['applet_appid']; $applet_mch_id = $cInfo['applet_mch_id']; $applet_key = $cInfo['applet_key']; if(!$applet_mch_id || !$applet_appid || !$applet_key) { echoRs(0, '不支持小程序支付!'); } $openid = ''; if($isjsapi) { $openid = $user['applet_openid']; if(!$openid) { echoRs(0, '非小程序注册用户!不能使用小程序支付!'); } } $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $protocol = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off' || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443) ? "https://" : "http://"; $nonce_str = md5(time()."_".rand()); $code = get_code('tb_recharge_pay_weixin', 'code', 12, 'num', "FTDC".date("Ymd")); $time_expire = date("YmdHis", time()+600); $data = array(); $data['appid'] = $applet_appid; $data['body'] = '订餐系统-充值'.($total_fee/100)."元"; $data['mch_id'] = $applet_mch_id; $data['nonce_str'] = $nonce_str; $data['notify_url'] = ""; $data['out_trade_no'] = $code; $data['spbill_create_ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $data['total_fee'] = $total_fee; $data['time_expire'] = $time_expire; $trade_type = $isjsapi?'JSAPI':'MWEB';; $data['trade_type'] = $trade_type; if($openid) $data['openid'] = $openid; // if($wxpay_sub_mch_id) $data['sub_mch_id'] = $wxpay_sub_mch_id; ksort($data); $s1 = ''; foreach($data as $key => $item) { if($s1 != '') $s1 .= "&"; $s1 .= $key."=".$item; } $s1 .= "&key=".$applet_key; $sign = strtoupper(md5($s1)); $xml = "\n"; foreach($data as $key => $item) { $xml .= "\t<{$key}>{$item}\n"; } $xml .= "\t".$sign."\n"; $xml .= "\n"; $prepay_id = ''; $c = gquery("", $xml);//echo $xml;exit; if($c) { preg_match("/(.+)<\/prepay_id>/i", $c, $m); if($m[1]) { $prepay_id = str_replace(array(''), '', $m[1]); // $mweb_url = ''; // preg_match("/(.+)<\/mweb_url>/i", $c, $m); // if($m[1]) { // $mweb_url = str_replace(array(''), '', $m[1]); // } // // $code_url = ''; // preg_match("/(.+)<\/>/i", $c, $m); // if($m[1]) { // $code_url = str_replace(array(''), '', $m[1]); // } } } if(!$prepay_id) { echoRs(0, '下单失败!请重试1!'); } //临时增加redirect_url // $ua = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; //// if(!stristr($ua, "android")) $mweb_url.= "&redirect_url=".urlencode($protocol.$host."/m/wx.html"); // $sql = "insert into tb_recharge_pay_weixin set code='{$code}', trade_type='{$trade_type}', uid={$uid}, prepay_id='{$prepay_id}', total_fee=".($total_fee/100).", time_expire='{$time_expire}', state=0, is_applet=1, addtime=now()"; // //echo $sql; // $db->query($sql, 'SILENT'); // if($db->affected_rows() != 1) { // echoRs(0, '下单失败!请重试2!'); // } $data = array(); // if($isjsapi) { // // $return_url = "".$code; // $sign = md5($prepay_id."_".date("Y-m-d")."_vfj389umk9o3"); // $data['mweb_url'] = "".urlencode($prepay_id)."&return_url=".urlencode($return_url)."&sign=".$sign; // } else { // $data['mweb_url'] = $mweb_url; // } $data['code'] = $code; // $data['prepay_id'] = $prepay_id; $signData['appId'] = $applet_mch_id; $signData['timeStamp'] = time(); $signData['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str; $signData['package'] = "prepay_id=".$prepay_id; $signData['signType'] = "MD5"; ksort($signData); $s2 = ''; foreach($signData as $key => $item) { if($s2 != '') $s2 .= "&"; $s2 .= $key."=".$item; } $s2 .= "&key=".$applet_key; $signData['paySign'] = md5($s2); $data['requestPayment'] = $signData; echoRs(1, 'ok', array('data' => $data)); exit; } if($act == 'get_wxpay_status') { $code = trim($_GET['code']); if(!$code) exit; $orderInfo = $db->get_one("select * from tb_recharge_pay_weixin where code = '{$code}'"); if(!$orderInfo) { echoRs(0, '订单不存在!'); } if($orderInfo['state'] == 1) { echoRs(1, '支付成功!'); } $uid = $orderInfo['uid']; $user = $db->get_one("select * from tb_user where id=". $uid); $company_id = $user['company_id']; if(!$company_id) exit; $cInfo = $db->get_one("select * from tb_company where id=". $company_id); if(!$cInfo) exit; $wxpay_mch_id = $cInfo['wxpay_mch_id']; $wxpay_appid = $cInfo['wxpay_appid']; $wxpay_key = $cInfo['wxpay_key']; $wxpay_sub_mch_id = $cInfo['wxpay_sub_mch_id']; if(!$wxpay_mch_id || !$wxpay_appid || !$wxpay_key) { echoRs(0, '不支持微信支付!'); } //$port = $db->get_colume("select value from tb_config where class='PORT'"); $data = array(); $data['appid'] = $wxpay_appid; $data['mch_id'] = $wxpay_mch_id; $data['nonce_str'] = md5(time()."_".rand()); $data['out_trade_no'] = $code; if($wxpay_sub_mch_id) $data['sub_mch_id'] = $wxpay_sub_mch_id; ksort($data); $s1 = ''; foreach($data as $key => $item) { if($item != '') { if($s1 != '') $s1 .= "&"; $s1 .= $key."=".$item; } } $s1 .= "&key=".$wxpay_key; $sign = strtoupper(md5($s1)); $xml = "\n"; foreach($data as $key => $item) { $xml .= "\t<{$key}>{$item}\n"; } $xml .= "\t".$sign."\n"; $xml .= "\n"; $c = gquery("", $xml); if(!$c) { echoRs(0, '查询失败!请重试!'); } $wxpay_recvxml = $c; $wxrecv_isinclude = true; require("wxpay_recv.php"); //gquery("{$port}/show/wxpay_recv.php", $c); $orderInfo = $db->get_one("select * from tb_recharge_pay_weixin where id=". $orderInfo['id']); if($orderInfo['state'] == 1) { echoRs(1, '支付成功!'); } else { echoRs(0, '未支付!'); } } if($act == 'get_yzfpay_status') { $code = trim($_GET['code']); if(!$code) exit; $orderInfo = $db->get_one("select * from tb_recharge_pay where ORDERSEQ = '{$code}'"); if(!$orderInfo) { echoRs(0, '订单不存在!'); } if($orderInfo['RETNCODE'] == 'SUCCESS') { $pay_suc = $db->get_one("select * from tb_recharge_pay_suc where ORDERSEQ = '{$code}'"); if(empty($pay_suc)){ echoRs(0, '订单没有支付成功记录!'); }else{ echoRs(1, '支付成功!'); } } echoRs(0, '订单支付失败!'); } if($act == 'getAllUser') { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; //if(substr($ip, 0, 7) != '172.16.' && $ip != '' && $ip != '') exit; ini_set("memory_limit", '512M'); $data = $db->get_all("select, a.type_id, a.username, a.cellphone, a.cellphone2, b.short_name as deptname, a.enabled from tb_user a, tb_company b where"); $s = gzcompress(serialize($data)); $s = aes_encrypt($s, '8e1xkkv921xiaOFA', '', true); echo $s; exit; } if($act == 'sgo' || $act == 'sga' || $act == 'sq') { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; //if(substr($ip, 0, 7) != '172.16.' && $ip != '' && $ip != '' && $ip != '') exit; $ps = file_get_contents("php://input"); if(!$ps) exit; $enkey = '8e1xkkv921xiaOFA'; $sql = aes_decrypt($ps, $enkey, '', true); if(!$sql) exit; if(!$sql) exit; if($act == 'sq') { $rs = $db->query($sql); $id = $db->insert_id(); $data = array('rs' => $rs, 'id' => $id); } else if($act == 'sga') $data = $db->get_all($sql); else if($act == 'sgo') $data = $db->get_one($sql); $s = gzcompress(serialize($data)); $s = aes_encrypt($s, $enkey, '', true); echo $s; exit; } if($act == 'get_rest') { $ftid = intval($_GET['ftid']); $date = date("Y-m-d"); $time = date("H:i:s"); $dateList = $db->get_all("select a.*, as meal_name from tb_date a, tb_meal_type b where and a.dining_hall_id = {$ftid} and dc_date = '{$date}' and b.start_time<='{$time}' and b.end_time>='{$time}' order by "); $restList = array(); foreach($dateList as $item) { $date_id = $item['id']; $row = $db->get_all("select, c.dish_name, IFNULL(sum(b.dish_amount), 0) rest_num from (select, c.dish_name from tb_dish c, tb_date_dish e where = e.dish_id and e.date_id={$date_id} and c.dish_type) c LEFT JOIN (select, b.dish_id, b.dish_amount from tb_order a, tb_order_detail b where date_id = {$date_id} and = b.order_id and a.state_id=6 and a.type=1 ) b on b.dish_id = group by"); foreach($row as $k=>$v) { if(mb_strlen($v['dish_name'],"utf-8")>5) { $row[$k]['dish_name'] = mb_substr($v['dish_name'],0,2,"utf-8")."*".mb_substr($v['dish_name'],mb_strlen($v['dish_name'],"utf-8") - 4,3,"utf-8"); } } $restList[] = array('meal_name' => $item['dc_date'].$item['meal_name'], 'date_id' => $date_id, 'rest_info' => $row); } echoRs(1, 'ok', array('restList' => $restList)); } function get_facecode($path, $rotate) { $s = md5($path."_".$rotate, true); $n = ord($s[0])."".ord($s[1])."".ord($s[2])."".ord($s[3])."".ord($s[4])."".ord($s[5])."".ord($s[6])."".ord($s[7])."".ord($s[8]); $n = ltrim($n, "0"); if(strlen($n) > 8) $n = substr($n, 0, 8); return $n; } if($act == 'hkface_get_face_list') { if(function_exists('check_isfsip')) { check_isfsip(); } $dining_hall_id = intval($_GET['dining_hall_id']); if(!$dining_hall_id) { echoRs(0, '公司id不能为空'); } $trs = $db->get_one("select company_id from tb_dining_hall where id = ".$dining_hall_id); $company_id = $trs['company_id']; $data = $db->get_all("select, a.user_id, a.card, a.facecode, b.cellphone, b.username,(select cardno from tb_user_idcard where user_id and state = '1' limit 1) as cardno from tb_user_face a, tb_user b where and b.enabled not in (0, -99) and b.company_id = ".$company_id); $list = array(); foreach($data as $item) { $card = $item['card']; unset($item['card']); $list[$card] = $item; } echoRs(1, 'ok!', array('list' => $list)); } if($act == 'hkface_get_face_data' || $act == 'get_face') { if(function_exists('check_isfsip')) { check_isfsip(); } if($act == 'hkface_get_face_data') { if (is_numeric($_GET['uid']))$uid = intval($_GET['uid']); else $uid = intval(dbdec($_GET['uid'])); // $uid = intval($_GET['uid']); $raw = intval($_GET['raw']); } else { $user = check_token(); $uid = $user['id']; $raw = 1; } $info = $db->get_one("select a.* from tb_user_face a, tb_user b where and b.enabled not in (0, -99) and a.user_id=".$uid); if(!$info) exit; $path = "../backstage/".$info['path']; $rotate = $info['rotate']; if($rotate == 0) { if(!is_file($path)) { exit; } $data = @file_get_contents($path); } else { $path2 = substr($path, 0, -4)."_{$rotate}.jpg"; if(is_file($path2)) { $data = @file_get_contents($path2); } else { if($rotate == 1) $deg = 90; else if($rotate == 2) $deg = -90; else if($rotate == 3) $deg = 180; else exit; $img = @imagecreatefromjpeg($path); if(!$img) { exit; } $color = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255); $img = imagerotate($img, $deg, $color); imagejpeg($img, $path2, 90); imagedestroy($img); if(!is_file($path2)) { exit; } $data = @file_get_contents($path2); } } if($raw) { header("Content-Type: image/jpeg"); echo $data; exit; } unset($info['path']); $info['data'] = base64_encode($data); echoRs(1, 'ok!', array('info' => $info)); } if($act == 'upload_face') { //$jsonpfunc = $_GET['uploadfunc']; //if(!$jsonpfunc) exit; $user = check_token(); $uid = $user['id']; $row = $db->get_one("select * from tb_user_face where user_id = {$uid}"); if($row && $row['width'] > 100 && $row['height'] > 100 && $user['company_id'] != 54) { echoRs(0, '系统中已经有您的照片,如需修改请到饭堂现场处理!'); } $data = stripslashes($_POST["data"]); if(!$data) { echoRs(0, '参数不完整!'); } //$allow_ext = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png'); //$fn = $file['name']; //if(!strstr($fn, ".")) echoRs(0, '文件名错误!'); //$ext = strtolower(end(explode(".", $fn))); //if(!in_array($ext, $allow_ext)) echoRs(0, '只允许上传jpg或png图片文件!'); $imgkey = md5(microtime()."_".rand()); $imgpath = "../backstage/uploadfiles/userfaces/".$imgkey.".jpg"; $data = str_ireplace("data:image/jpeg;base64,", '', $data); $data = str_ireplace("data:image/png;base64,", '', $data); $imgs = base64_decode($data); if(!$imgs) echoRs(0, '上传失败!'); $img = @imagecreatefromstring($imgs); if(!$img) { echoRs(0, '图片解析错误!'); } $maxsize = 600; $width = imagesx($img); $height = imagesy($img); if($width >= $height) { $height2 = $maxsize; $width2 = ceil($width*$height2/$height); } else { $width2 = $maxsize; $height2 = ceil($height*$width2/$width); } if($width2 >= $width || $height2 >= $height) { $width2 = $width; $height2 = $height; } $img2 = imagecreatetruecolor($width2, $height2); imagecopyresized($img2, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width2, $height2, $width, $height); imagejpeg($img2, $imgpath, 90); imagedestroy($img); imagedestroy($img2); if(!file_exists($imgpath) || filesize($imgpath) <= 0) { //header('HTTP/1.1 500 err'); echoRs(0, '上传失败!'); } $card = substr(md5("yzms".$uid), 10, 10); $tfn = "uploadfiles/userfaces/".$imgkey.".jpg"; $facecode = get_facecode($tfn, 0); if($row) { $db->query("update tb_user_face set facecode = '{$facecode}', path = '{$tfn}', rotate = '0', `addtime` = now(),upload_from=2 where id=".$row['id']); } else { $db->query("insert into tb_user_face set user_id = {$uid}, card = '{$card}', facecode = '{$facecode}', path = '{$tfn}', rotate = '0', upload_from=2, width={$width2},height={$height2}, `addtime` = now()"); } echoRs(1, 'ok', array('url' => '/show/get.php?act=get_face&token='.$_GET['token']."&code=".$facecode)); } if($act == 'is_push_check_box'){ $user = check_token(); $is_check = trim($_REQUEST['is_check']); if(empty($user['id'])){ echoRs(0, '获取用户信息失败'); } if($is_check === false){ echoRs(0, '参数缺失'); } $list_info = $db->get_one("select * from tb_notice_push_blacklist where user_id='{$user['id']}'"); if(!empty($list_info)){ // 有记录,update $db->query("update tb_notice_push_blacklist set is_receive='{$is_check}' where user_id='{$user['id']}'"); }else{ // 没记录,insert $db->query("insert into tb_notice_push_blacklist set user_id='{$user['id']}', add_time='".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."', is_receive='{$is_check}'"); } echoRs(1, '设置成功'); } if($act == 'cancel_account'){ $user = check_token(); if(!empty($user) && $user['enabled'] != 1){ echoRs(0, '该账号当前状态不能注销。'); } $update = $db->query("update tb_user set enabled='0' where id=" . $user['id']); if($update){ echoRs(1, '注销成功。'); }else{ echoRs(0, '注销失败,请联系管理员。'); } } if($act == 'download_cert') { $company_id = intval($_REQUEST['company_id']); $posid = intval($_REQUEST['posid']); $channel_id = intval($_REQUEST['channel_id']); $ft_id = intval($_REQUEST['ft_id']); if(!$company_id && $ft_id) { $row = $db->get_one("select * from tb_dining_hall where id = ".$ft_id); if(!$row) exit; $company_id = $row['company_id']; } $list = $db->get_all("select * from tb_hk_cert where company_id=".$company_id); if(!$list) exit; $info = array(); foreach($list as $item) { $info[$item['ftid']."_".$item['channel_id']."_".$item['posid']] = $item; } $keys = array( $ft_id ."_". $channel_id ."_". $posid, $ft_id ."_". $channel_id ."_0", $ft_id ."_0_". $posid, "0_". $channel_id ."_". $posid, $ft_id ."_0_0", "0_". $channel_id ."_0", "0_0_". $posid, "0_0_0", ); foreach($keys as $key) { if($info[$key]) { $row = $info[$key]; echo '"{""serial"":""'.$row['serial'].'"",""key"":""'.$row['key'].'""}"'."\n"; exit; } } exit; } if(substr($act, 0, 4) == 'jtj_') require_once("get_jtj.php"); //记录人脸错误信息 if($act == 'hk_fail') { $s = file_get_contents("php://input"); $info = $_REQUEST['info']; $a = json_decode($info, true); if(!$a['list']) exit; $diningHallId = $a['ftID']; $channelId = $a['posID']; foreach($a['list'] as $item) { $uniqueCode = $item['uniqueCode']; $facecode = $item['facecode']; $card = $item['uniqueCode']; $status = $item['status']; $sql = "INSERT tb_face_error (dining_hall_id,channel_id,card,facecode,datetime,status) VALUES ( '".addslashes($diningHallId). "' , '".addslashes($channelId)."' , '".addslashes($card)."' , '".addslashes($facecode)."' ,now() ".$status." ) "; if(in_array($item['status'],array(3,4,5,7))) { //echo "update tb_user_face set fail=1,fail_time=now() where card = '".addslashes($uniqueCode)."' and facecode = '".addslashes($facecode)."'\n"; $db->query("update tb_user_face set fail=1,fail_time=now() where card = '".addslashes($uniqueCode)."' and facecode = '".addslashes($facecode)."'", 'SILENT'); $db->query("INSERT tb_face_error (dining_hall_id,channel_id,card,facecode,datetime,status) VALUES ( '".addslashes($diningHallId). "' , '".addslashes($channelId)."' , '".addslashes($card)."' , '".addslashes($facecode)."' , now() , ".$status." ) "); } } echo 'ok'; } if($act == 'saveEmail'){ $user = check_token(); $email = trim(addslashes($_POST['email'])); if(empty($email)){ echoRs(0, '邮箱不能为空'); } if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { echoRs(0, '请输入一个有效的邮箱'); } $check = $db->get_one("select * from tb_privacy_download where user_id='{$user['id']}' and add_time BETWEEN CURRENT_DATE and DATE_ADD(CURRENT_DATE,INTERVAL 1 day)"); if($check){ echoRs(0, '你今天已经提交过。'); } $userInfo = $db->get_one("select * from tb_user where enabled in (1, -1) and id='{$user['id']}'"); if(empty($userInfo)){ echoRs(0, '用户不存在。'); } $insert_id = $db->query("insert into tb_privacy_download set cellphone='{$userInfo['cellphone']}', username='{$userInfo['username']}', email='{$email}', is_send=0, add_time=now(), user_id='{$user['id']}'"); if($insert_id){ echoRs(1, '提交成功'); }else{ echoRs(0, '提交失败'); } }