
814 lines
26 KiB
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2024-04-01 15:54:27 +08:00
if (is_file("/home/www/ftdcdb.inc.php")) require("/home/www/ftdcdb.inc.php");
elseif (is_file("./ftdcdb.inc.php")) require("./ftdcdb.inc.php");
elseif (is_file("/Users/liuwei/Code/WEB/ftdcdb.inc.php")) require("/Users/liuwei/Code/WEB/ftdcdb.inc.php");
else require("d:/web/ftdcdb.inc.php");
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
if (@$GLOBALS['CI'] && @$GLOBALS['CI']->rest && @$GLOBALS['CI']->rest->db) {
$GLOBALS['gpay_dbtype'] = 'mysqli';
$GLOBALS['gpay_db'] = $GLOBALS['CI']->rest->db;
$GLOBALS['gpay_db']->db_debug = false;
} else if (@$this && @$this->db) {
$GLOBALS['gpay_dbtype'] = 'mysqli';
$GLOBALS['gpay_db'] = $this->db;
$GLOBALS['gpay_db']->db_debug = false;
} else {
$GLOBALS['gpay_dbtype'] = 'mysql';
$hinfo = @mysql_get_host_info();
if ($hinfo && stristr($hinfo, $ftdcdb_host)) {
$GLOBALS['gpay_db'] = '';
} else {
$GLOBALS['gpay_db'] = mysql_connect($ftdcdb_host, $ftdcdb_username, $ftdcdb_password);
mysql_query("set names utf8");
if (!function_exists("gpay_query")) {
function gpay_query($sql)
global $gpay_dbtype, $gpay_db;
if ($gpay_dbtype == 'mysqli') {
return $gpay_db->query($sql);
} else {
if ($gpay_db) return mysql_query($sql, $gpay_db);
else return mysql_query($sql);
if (!function_exists("gpay_fetchOne")) {
function gpay_fetchOne($sql, $result_type = MYSQL_ASSOC)
global $gpay_dbtype, $gpay_db;
if ($gpay_dbtype == 'mysqli') {
return $gpay_db->query($sql)->row_array();
} else {
if ($gpay_db) $result = mysql_query($sql, $gpay_db);
else $result = mysql_query($sql);
if ($result) {
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result, $result_type);
return $row;
} else {
return array();
if (!function_exists("gpay_fetchAll")) {
function gpay_fetchAll($sql, $result_type = MYSQL_ASSOC)
global $gpay_dbtype, $gpay_db;
if ($gpay_dbtype == 'mysqli') {
return $gpay_db->query($sql)->result_array();
} else {
if ($gpay_db) $result = mysql_query($sql, $gpay_db);
else $result = mysql_query($sql);
$rows = array();
while (@$row = mysql_fetch_array($result, $result_type)) {
$rows[] = $row;
return $rows;
if (!function_exists("gpay_affected_rows")) {
function gpay_affected_rows()
global $gpay_dbtype, $gpay_db;
if ($gpay_dbtype == 'mysqli') {
return $gpay_db->affected_rows();
} else {
if ($gpay_db) return mysql_affected_rows($gpay_db);
else return mysql_affected_rows();
if (!function_exists("gpay_insert_id")) {
function gpay_insert_id()
global $gpay_dbtype, $gpay_db;
if ($gpay_dbtype == 'mysqli') {
return $gpay_db->insert_id();
} else {
if ($gpay_db) return mysql_insert_id($gpay_db);
else return mysql_insert_id();
function gpay_lock($type, $key)
$suc = false;
$N = 0;
while (true) {
$t2 = time() - 20;
gpay_query("delete from tb_lock where type='{$type}' and `key`='{$key}' and t<" . $t2);
gpay_query("insert into tb_lock set type='{$type}', `key`='{$key}', t=" . time());
if (gpay_affected_rows() == 1) {
$suc = true;
if ($N >= 100) {
return $suc;
function gpay_unlock($type, $key)
gpay_query("delete from tb_lock where type='{$type}' and `key`='{$key}'");
function gpay_get_user_by_id($uid)
$row = gpay_fetchOne("select a.*,b.name type_name from tb_user a, tb_user_type b where a.type_id = b.id and a.id = {$uid}"); // and a.enabled not in (0, -99)
return $row;
function gpay_get_user_account($uid, $type_id)
$row = gpay_fetchOne("select sum(account) as ac from tb_account where user_id={$uid} and type_id={$type_id}");
if ($row) return $row['ac'];
return 0;
function gpay_get_user_account_list($uid, $type_id = -1, $supplier_id = -1, $recharge_fund_type = 0, $dy = true)
$sqlext = '';
if ($type_id != -1) {
$sqlext .= " and type_id={$type_id} ";
if ($supplier_id != -1) {
$sqlext .= " and supplier_id={$supplier_id} ";
if ($recharge_fund_type != 0) {
$sqlext .= " and recharge_fund_type={$recharge_fund_type} ";
if ($dy) { //<2F><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>0
$sqlext .= " and account>0 ";
return gpay_fetchAll("select a.*,b.supplier_name from tb_account a left join tb_supplier b on a.supplier_id=b.id where a.user_id={$uid} {$sqlext} order by a.id");
* 减钱
* @param $uid 用户ID
* @param $ac 金额(正数)
* @param $ftid 饭堂ID可为0
* @param $supplier_id 供应商ID可为0
* @param $rtype tb_recharge_type 操作类型描述
* @param $oid 订单ID
* @param $channelid POS机ID
* @param string $kkfrom xj或fl或all
* @param int $admin_id 管理员ID
* @param int $recharge_fund_type 忽略
* @param string $updateInfo 忽略
* @return bool|string suc: 成功 yebz: 余额不足
//function gpay_pay_user_account_one($uid, $ac, $ftid, $supplier_id, $rtype, $oid, $channelid, $kkfrom = 'all', $admin_id = 0, $recharge_fund_type = 0, &$updateInfo = '')
function gpay_pay_user_account_one($uid, $ac, $info, &$updateInfo = '')
if ($ac == 0 && !isset($info['extra_fee'])) return true;
if($ac == 0){
if(!gpay_lock("account", $uid)) return "lockfail";
// 获取当前用户的所有账户列表
$accountList = gpay_get_user_account_list($uid, -1, -1, 0, false);
// 获取所有账户的金额
$account = 0;
foreach ($accountList as $k => $v){
$account += $v['account'];
if($account == 0 && $info['extra_fee'] == 0){
// 录入tb_recharge 金额0的记录
$oid = intval($info['oid']);
$rtype = intval($info['rtype']);
$ftid = intval($info['ftid']);
$channelid = intval($info['channelid']);
$admin_id = intval($info['admin_id']);
$recharge_fund_type = intval($info['recharge_fund_type']);
$extra_fee = floatval($info['extra_fee']);
if(isset($info['result'])) $result_v = intval($info['result']);
else $result_v = 1;
$to_account_id = intval($info['to_account_id']);
$from_account_id = intval($info['from_account_id']);
$recInfo = array(
'account_id' => $accountList[0]['id'],
'recharge_amount' => $account,
'new_amount' => $accountList[0]['account'],
'old_amount' => $accountList[0]['account'],
'order_id' => $oid,
'type' => $rtype,
'ftid' => $ftid,
'channel_id' => $channelid,
'admin_id' => $admin_id,
'recharge_fund_type' => $recharge_fund_type,
'extra_fee' => $extra_fee,
'result' => $result_v,
'to_account_id' => $to_account_id,
'from_account_id' => $from_account_id,
if(isset($info['ori_amount'])) $recInfo['ori_amount'] = floatval($info['ori_amount']); //原价
$rechargeList[] = $recInfo;
$updateInfo = $rechargeList;
foreach($rechargeList as $key => $jinfo) {
$jinfo['user_id'] = $uid;
$jinfo['record_datetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$jinfo['result'] = '1';
$isql = '';
foreach($jinfo as $key2 => $value) {
if($isql != '') $isql .= ", ";
$isql .= " `{$key2}`='".addslashes($value)."' ";
gpay_query("insert into tb_recharge set ".$isql);
$rid = gpay_insert_id();
$rechargeList[$key]['id'] = $rid;
gpay_query("update tb_account set account='".$jinfo['new_amount']."' where id=".$jinfo['account_id']);
$updateInfo = $rechargeList;
gpay_unlock("account", $uid);
return "suc";
gpay_unlock("account", $uid);
gpay_unlock("account", $uid);
return "yebz";
$info['ac'] = $ac;
return gpay_pay_user_account($uid, array($info), $updateInfo);
function gpay_get_account_by_id($account_id)
return gpay_fetchOne("select * from tb_account where id={$account_id}");
function gpay_pay_user_account($uid, $rList, &$updateInfo = '')
$row = gpay_get_user_by_id($uid);
if (!$row) {
return "nouser";
$company_id = intval($row['company_id']);
$companyInfo = gpay_fetchOne("select * from tb_company where id = '{$company_id}'");
foreach ($rList as $item) {
$ac = $item['ac'];
if ($ac < 0) return 'err';
if (!gpay_lock("account", $uid)) return "lockfail";
$xjList = gpay_get_user_account_list($uid, 2);
2024-04-02 11:22:43 +08:00
if(!$xjList) { //如果没有就取余额为0的
$xjList = gpay_get_user_account_list($uid, 2, -1, 0, false);
2024-04-01 15:54:27 +08:00
if($company_id == 54) $jlList = gpay_get_user_account_list($uid, 3); //交通局激励账户
$spList = array();
foreach ($rList as $key => $item) {
$supplier_id = $item['supplier_id'];
$ftid = $item['ftid'];
if ($supplier_id == -1 || !isset($item['supplier_id'])) { //根据饭堂ID自动获取
$ftrow = gpay_fetchOne("select * from tb_dining_hall where id = " . intval($ftid));
if ($ftrow) $supplier_id = $ftrow['supplier_id'];
else $supplier_id = 0;
$rList[$key]['supplier_id'] = $supplier_id;
if ($supplier_id > 0) {
2024-04-02 11:22:43 +08:00
$t1 = gpay_get_user_account_list($uid, 1, $supplier_id);
if(!$t1) { //如果没有就取余额为0的
$t1 = gpay_get_user_account_list($uid, 1, $supplier_id, 0, false);
$spList[$supplier_id] = $t1;
2024-04-01 15:54:27 +08:00
$rechargeList = array();
foreach ($rList as $item) {
$ac = $item['ac'];
$ac_r = $item['ac'];
$rtype = intval($item['rtype']);
$ftid = intval($item['ftid']);
$supplier_id = intval($item['supplier_id']);
$oid = intval($item['oid']);
$channelid = intval($item['channelid']);
$kkfrom = $item['kkfrom'];
$admin_id = intval($item['admin_id']);
$recharge_fund_type = intval($item['recharge_fund_type']);
$extra_fee = floatval($item['extra_fee']);
if (isset($item['result'])) $result_v = intval($item['result']);
else $result_v = 1;
$to_account_id = intval($item['to_account_id']);
$from_account_id = intval($item['from_account_id']);
if (!$spList[$supplier_id]) $spList[$supplier_id] = array();
if ($kkfrom == 'xj') {
if ($supplier_id == 0 || $supplier_id == 97) { //97 韶关小岛生日账户特殊处理
$yeList = $xjList;
} else {
$yeList = array();
foreach ($xjList as $item2) {
if ($item2['supplier_id'] == 0 || $item2['supplier_id'] == $supplier_id) $yeList[] = $item2;
} else if ($kkfrom == 'fl') {
$yeList = $spList[$supplier_id];
} else if ($kkfrom == 'jl') { //交通局激励账户
$yeList = $jlList;
} else {
$flAccount = $spList[$supplier_id];
$xjAccount = array();
if ($supplier_id == 0 || $supplier_id == 97) { //97 韶关小岛生日账户特殊处理
foreach ($xjList as $item2) {
$xjAccount[] = $item2;
} else {
foreach ($xjList as $item2) {
if ($item2['supplier_id'] == 0 || $item2['supplier_id'] == $supplier_id) $xjAccount[] = $item2;
if ($companyInfo['kk_first'] == 'xj') {
$yeList = array_merge($xjAccount, $flAccount);
} else {
$yeList = array_merge($flAccount, $xjAccount);
/*if($recharge_fund_type != 0) {
$yeList2 = array();
foreach($yeList as $key => $item) {
if($item['recharge_fund_type'] == $recharge_fund_type) $yeList2[] = $item;
$yeList = $yeList2;
$rechargeList_t = array();
foreach ($yeList as $key => $item2) {
2024-04-02 11:22:43 +08:00
$is_zero = false;
if (round($item2['account'] * 100) <= 0) {
if($key == 0 && round($ac * 100) == 0) { //0元消费情况记录流水
$is_zero = true;
} else {
if ($is_zero || round($item2['account'] * 100) >= round($ac * 100)) {
2024-04-01 15:54:27 +08:00
$old_amount = $item2['account'];
$recharge_amount = $ac;
$yeList[$key]['account'] -= $ac;
$ac = 0;
$recInfo = array(
'account_id' => $item2['id'],
'recharge_amount' => "-" . $recharge_amount,
'new_amount' => $yeList[$key]['account'],
'old_amount' => $old_amount,
'order_id' => intval($oid),
'type' => intval($rtype),
'ftid' => intval($ftid),
'channel_id' => intval($channelid),
'admin_id' => intval($admin_id),
'recharge_fund_type' => intval($recharge_fund_type),
'extra_fee' => $extra_fee,
'result' => $result_v,
'to_account_id' => $to_account_id,
'from_account_id' => $from_account_id,
if(isset($item['ori_amount'])) $recInfo['ori_amount'] = floatval($item['ori_amount']); //原价
$rechargeList_t[] = $recInfo;
} else {
$old_amount = $item2['account'];
$ac -= $item2['account'];
$yeList[$key]['account'] = 0;
$recInfo = array(
'account_id' => $item2['id'],
'recharge_amount' => "-" . $old_amount,
'new_amount' => 0,
'old_amount' => $old_amount,
'order_id' => intval($oid),
'type' => intval($rtype),
'ftid' => intval($ftid),
'channel_id' => intval($channelid),
'admin_id' => intval($admin_id),
'recharge_fund_type' => intval($recharge_fund_type),
'extra_fee' => $extra_fee,
'result' => $result_v,
'to_account_id' => $to_account_id,
'from_account_id' => $from_account_id,
if(isset($item['ori_amount'])) $recInfo['ori_amount'] = floatval($item['ori_amount']); //原价
$rechargeList_t[] = $recInfo;
2024-04-02 14:44:16 +08:00
if (round($ac * 100) > 0) { //余额不足 || !$rechargeList_t
2024-04-01 15:54:27 +08:00
gpay_unlock("account", $uid);
return "yebz";
if(isset($item['ori_amount']) && count($rechargeList_t) > 1) { //按比例分配ori_amount
$ori_amount = floatval($item['ori_amount']);
$ac_r_b = round($ac_r*100);
$ori_amount_b = $ori_amount_b2 = round($ori_amount*100);
foreach ($rechargeList_t as $key2 => $item2) {
if($key2 == count($rechargeList_t) - 1) {
$rechargeList_t[$key2]['ori_amount'] = $ori_amount_b2 / 100;
} else {
$recharge_amount_b = round(abs($item2['recharge_amount'])*100);
$ori_amount_b3 = round($recharge_amount_b / $ac_r_b * $ori_amount_b);
$ori_amount_b2 -= $ori_amount_b3;
$rechargeList_t[$key2]['ori_amount'] = $ori_amount_b3 / 100;
foreach ($rechargeList_t as $item2) {
$rechargeList[] = $item2;
$xjList = array();
if ($supplier_id != 0) $spList[$supplier_id] = array();
foreach ($yeList as $item2) {
if ($item2['type_id'] == 2) $xjList[] = $item2;
else if ($supplier_id != 0) $spList[$supplier_id][] = $item2;
foreach ($rechargeList as $key => $jinfo) {
$jinfo['user_id'] = $uid;
$jinfo['record_datetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$jinfo['result'] = '1';
$isql = '';
foreach ($jinfo as $key2 => $value) {
if ($isql != '') $isql .= ", ";
$isql .= " `{$key2}`='" . addslashes($value) . "' ";
gpay_query("insert into tb_recharge set " . $isql);
$rid = gpay_insert_id();
$rechargeList[$key]['id'] = $rid;
gpay_query("update tb_account set account='" . $jinfo['new_amount'] . "' where id=" . $jinfo['account_id']);
$updateInfo = $rechargeList;
gpay_unlock("account", $uid);
return "suc";
function gpay_get_or_add_user_account($uid, $type_id, $supplier_id, $recharge_fund_type = 0)
$data = gpay_get_user_account_list($uid, $type_id, $supplier_id, $recharge_fund_type, false);
if ($data) return $data;
$jinfo = array(
'user_id' => $uid,
'supplier_id' => $supplier_id,
'account' => 0,
'type_id' => $type_id,
'recharge_fund_type' => $recharge_fund_type,
'addtime' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
$isql = '';
foreach ($jinfo as $key => $value) {
if ($isql != '') $isql .= ", ";
$isql .= " `{$key}`='" . addslashes($value) . "' ";
gpay_query("insert into tb_account set " . $isql);
return gpay_get_user_account_list($uid, $type_id, $supplier_id, $recharge_fund_type, false);
* 加钱操作
* @param $userid
* @param $ac
* @param int $admin_id
* @param int $oid
* @param int $recharge_fund_type 资金来源(描述)
* @param int $rtype 操作类型tb_recharge_type 描述)
* @param int $ac_type 1: 福利 2: 现金
* @param int $supplier_id
* @return string
//gpay_add_user_account_uid($userid, $ac, $admin_id = 1, $oid = 0, $recharge_fund_type = 2, $rtype = 1, $ac_type = 2, $supplier_id = 0) {
function gpay_add_user_account_uid($userid, $ac, $info, &$updateInfo = '')
$supplier_id = intval($info['supplier_id']);
$recharge_fund_type = intval($info['recharge_fund_type']);
$ac_type = intval($info['ac_type']);
if ($ac < 0) return 'err';
$user = gpay_get_user_by_id($userid);
if (!$user) {
return "nouser";
$aList = gpay_get_or_add_user_account($userid, $ac_type, $supplier_id, $recharge_fund_type);
if (!$aList) {
return "syserr";
return gpay_add_user_account($aList[0]['id'], $ac, $info, $updateInfo);
//function gpay_add_user_account($account_id, $ac, $ftid, $rtype, $oid, $admin_id = 0, $recharge_fund_type = 0, $extra_fee = 0) {
function gpay_add_user_account($account_id, $ac, $info, &$updateInfo = '')
$ftid = intval($info['ftid']);
$rtype = intval($info['rtype']);
$oid = intval($info['oid']);
$admin_id = intval($info['admin_id']);
$recharge_fund_type = intval($info['recharge_fund_type']);
$extra_fee = intval($info['extra_fee']);
$to_account_id = intval($info['to_account_id']);
$from_account_id = intval($info['from_account_id']);
$notes = addslashes($info['notes']) ?: null;
2024-04-01 15:54:27 +08:00
if ($ac < 0) return 'err';
$aInfo = gpay_get_account_by_id($account_id);
if (!$aInfo) {
return "noaccount";
$uid = $aInfo['user_id'];
if (!gpay_lock("account", $uid)) return "lockfail";
$aInfo = gpay_get_account_by_id($account_id);
$old_amount = $aInfo['account'];
$new_amount = $aInfo['account'] + $ac;
gpay_query("update tb_account set account='" . $new_amount . "' where id=" . $account_id);
$jinfo = array(
'account_id' => $account_id,
'recharge_amount' => $ac,
'new_amount' => $new_amount,
'old_amount' => $old_amount,
'order_id' => intval($oid),
'type' => intval($rtype),
'ftid' => intval($ftid),
'user_id' => $uid,
'record_datetime' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
'result' => 1,
'admin_id' => $admin_id,
'recharge_fund_type' => $recharge_fund_type,
'extra_fee' => $extra_fee,
'to_account_id' => $to_account_id,
'from_account_id' => $from_account_id,
'notes' => $notes,
2024-04-01 15:54:27 +08:00
$isql = '';
foreach ($jinfo as $key => $value) {
if ($isql != '') $isql .= ", ";
$isql .= " `{$key}`='" . addslashes($value) . "' ";
gpay_query("insert into tb_recharge set " . $isql);
$rid = gpay_insert_id();
$jinfo['id'] = $rid;
$updateInfo = $jinfo;
gpay_unlock("account", $uid);
return "suc";
function gpay_refund_user_account($type, $oid, $rtype, $admin_id = 0)
{ //退款
$getsql = "select * from tb_recharge where order_id={$oid} and type={$type} order by id";
if ($type == -1) $getsql = "select * from tb_recharge where id=" . $oid;
$rList = gpay_fetchAll($getsql);
if (!$rList) {
return "norecord";
foreach ($rList as $item) {
$ac = $item['recharge_amount'];
if ($ac > 0) {
return "err";
$uid = $rList[0]['user_id'];
if (!gpay_lock("account", $uid) || !gpay_lock("refund", $type . "_" . $oid)) {
gpay_unlock("account", $uid);
gpay_unlock("refund", $type . "_" . $oid);
return "lockfail";
$rfList = gpay_fetchAll("select * from tb_recharge where order_id={$oid} and type={$rtype} order by id");
if ($rfList) {
gpay_unlock("account", $uid);
gpay_unlock("refund", $type . "_" . $oid);
return "hasrefund";
foreach ($rList as $item) {
$account_id = $item['account_id'];
$ac = abs($item['recharge_amount']);
$ftid = $item['ftid'];
$aInfo = gpay_get_account_by_id($account_id);
$old_amount = $aInfo['account'];
$new_amount = $aInfo['account'] + $ac;
gpay_query("update tb_account set account='" . $new_amount . "' where id=" . $account_id);
$jinfo = array(
'account_id' => $account_id,
'recharge_amount' => $ac,
'new_amount' => $new_amount,
'old_amount' => $old_amount,
'order_id' => intval($oid),
'type' => intval($rtype),
'ftid' => intval($ftid),
'user_id' => $uid,
'record_datetime' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
'result' => 1,
'admin_id' => $admin_id,
$isql = '';
foreach ($jinfo as $key => $value) {
if ($isql != '') $isql .= ", ";
$isql .= " `{$key}`='" . addslashes($value) . "' ";
gpay_query("insert into tb_recharge set " . $isql);
gpay_unlock("account", $uid);
gpay_unlock("refund", $type . "_" . $oid);
return "suc";
function gpay_cancel_dc($order_id, $admin_id, $rtype = 3)
$row = gpay_fetchOne("select * from tb_order where id='{$order_id}' or code='{$order_id}'");
if (!$row) return 'no order';
if ($row['state_id'] != 6 && $row['state_id'] != 3) {
return 'state error';
$oid = $row['id'];
$r = gpay_refund_user_account(2, $oid, $rtype, $admin_id);
if ($r != 'suc') return $r;
gpay_query("update tb_order set state_id=4,cancel_time=now() where id=" . $oid);
return 'suc';
function gpay_cancel_pay_account($type, $oid, $reason = '', $cancel_admin_id = 0)
{ //取消支付
$getsql = "select * from tb_recharge where order_id={$oid} and type={$type} order by record_datetime";
if ($type == -1) $getsql = "select * from tb_recharge where id=" . $oid;
$rList = gpay_fetchAll($getsql);
if (!$rList) {
return "norecord";
$uid = $rList[0]['user_id'];
if (!gpay_lock("account", $uid)) {
gpay_unlock("account", $uid);
return "lockfail";
$rList = gpay_fetchAll($getsql);
if (!$rList) {
gpay_unlock("account", $uid);
return "syserr";
$tdata = array();
$trow = gpay_fetchOne("show tables like 'tb_recharge_cancel_log'");
if ($trow) {
$tdata = gpay_fetchAll("desc tb_recharge_cancel_log");
foreach ($rList as $item) {
$account_id = $item['account_id'];
$ac = $item['recharge_amount'];
$time = $item['record_datetime'];
$rid = $item['id'];
$aInfo = gpay_get_account_by_id($account_id);
$old_amount = $aInfo['account'];
$new_amount = $aInfo['account'] - $ac;
gpay_query("update tb_account set account='" . $new_amount . "' where id=" . $account_id);
gpay_query("delete from tb_recharge where id=" . $rid);
$row = gpay_fetchOne("select * from tb_recharge where account_id=" . $account_id . " and id<{$rid} order by id desc limit 1");
if ($row) {
$old_amount = $row['new_amount'];
} else {
$old_amount = 0;
$data = gpay_fetchAll("select * from tb_recharge where account_id=" . $account_id . " and id>{$rid} order by id");
foreach ($data as $item2) {
$new_amount = $old_amount + $item2['recharge_amount'];
//echo $old_amount."\t".$item2->recharge_amount."\t".$new_amount."\n";
gpay_query("update tb_recharge set old_amount={$old_amount},new_amount={$new_amount} where id=" . $item2['id']);
$old_amount = $new_amount;
if ($tdata) {
$sql = '';
foreach ($tdata as $titem) {
$Field = $titem['Field'];
if ($Field == 'id' || $Field == 'addtime' || $Field == 'rid' || $Field == 'reason' || $Field == 'cancel_admin_id') continue;
$v = $item[$Field];
if ($v === null) $sql .= " `{$Field}`=null, ";
else $sql .= " `{$Field}`='" . addslashes($v) . "',";
$sql = "insert into tb_recharge_cancel_log set {$sql} rid=" . $item['id'] . ",reason='" . addslashes($reason) . "',cancel_admin_id=" . intval($cancel_admin_id) . ",addtime=now()";
gpay_unlock("account", $uid);
return "suc";
function gpay_modify_pay_account($recharge_id, $new_recharge_amount, $reason = '', $modify_admin_id = 0) { //修改支付金额
if($new_recharge_amount == 0) {
return gpay_cancel_pay_account(-1, $recharge_id, $reason, $modify_admin_id);
if($new_recharge_amount > 0) {
return 'new_recharge_amount_err';
$getsql = "select * from tb_recharge where id=".$recharge_id;
$item = gpay_fetchOne($getsql);
if(!$item) {
return "norecord";
if($item['recharge_amount'] >= 0) {
return 'notpay';
$modify_value = $new_recharge_amount - $item['recharge_amount']; //退款金额
if($modify_value <= 0) {
return 'new_recharge_amount_err';
$uid = $rInfo['user_id'];
if(!gpay_lock("account", $uid)) {
gpay_unlock("account", $uid);
return "lockfail";
$item = gpay_fetchOne($getsql);
if(!$item) {
gpay_unlock("account", $uid);
return "syserr";
$old_recharge_amount = $item['recharge_amount'];
$old_amount_1 = $item['old_amount'];
$new_amount_1 = $old_amount_1 + $new_recharge_amount;
$trow = gpay_fetchOne("show tables like 'tb_recharge_modify_log'");
$account_id = $item['account_id'];
$ac = $item['recharge_amount'];
$time = $item['record_datetime'];
$rid = $item['id'];
$aInfo = gpay_get_account_by_id($account_id);
$old_amount = $aInfo['account'];
$new_amount = $aInfo['account'] + $modify_value;
$update_ori_amount = "";
if(isset($item['ori_amount']) && !empty($item['ori_amount'] )){
$ori_amount = $item['ori_amount'] - abs($modify_value); // 原价
$update_ori_amount = ", ori_amount={$ori_amount}";
gpay_query("update tb_account set account='".$new_amount."' where id=".$account_id);
gpay_query("update tb_recharge set recharge_amount = {$new_recharge_amount}, new_amount={$new_amount_1} {$update_ori_amount} where id=".$rid);
$old_amount = $new_amount_1;
$data = gpay_fetchAll("select * from tb_recharge where account_id=".$account_id." and id>{$rid} order by id");
foreach($data as $item2) {
$new_amount = $old_amount + $item2['recharge_amount'];
//echo $old_amount."\t".$item2->recharge_amount."\t".$new_amount."\n";
gpay_query("update tb_recharge set old_amount={$old_amount},new_amount={$new_amount} where id=".$item2['id']);
$old_amount = $new_amount;
if($trow) {
gpay_query("insert into tb_recharge_modify_log set rid = {$recharge_id}, old_recharge_amount = {$old_recharge_amount}, new_recharge_amount = {$new_recharge_amount},reason='".addslashes($reason)."',modify_admin_id=".intval($modify_admin_id).", `addtime` = now()");
gpay_unlock("account", $uid);
return "suc";
//$d = gpay_fetchAll("select * from tb_user limit 2");
//$r = gpay_refund_user_account(3, 123, 9);
//$r = add_user_account_uid(3, 4.56, 1, 0, 2, 7, 1, 9) ;